disasterrecovery 6

Using a Web browser, search for “incident response template.” Look through the first five results and choose one for further investigation. Take a look at it and determine if you think it would be useful to an organization creating a CSIRT. Why or why not?

No Plagiarism please

discussion reply post 6

“This is just a discussion reply”

As you think about your discussion issues this week, we would suggest that you consider these questions as you think about the material:

  • Is international violence ever justified?(international notinterpersonal violence or individual self-defense)
  • If so, under what conditions?
  • Are these Just War criteria that have developed over the last few centuries still the right criteria?
  • Is violence the best way to protect one’s nation/people?

information technology 176


In order to detect or prevent network security breaches, you must understand the Internet protocols as well as the attacker does. The protocols originate from publicly available Requests for Comments, or RFCs. The official repository and publisher of all RFCs is the RFC Editor.

The purpose of this lab is to practice locating and studying two key RFCs.(Feel free to consult any newer material on IP and TCP protocols. These RFCs are original materials on these protocols. A Request for Comments (RFC) is a publication of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Society, the principal technical development and standards-setting bodies for the Internet. Internet and its precursor ARPANET was developed by engineers and scientists using RFCs.


  • Find and identify the RFCs for IP and TCP (Questions you should answer are in bold red.)
  • Refer to the RFCs to answer the following questions

    • What two basic functions does IP implement? (10 points)
    • What four key mechanisms does IP use to provide its service? 10 points)
    • Via what protocol does IP communicate errors? (5 points)
    • In the IP header, what is the Identification field used for? (5 points)
    • A number of bits within the IP header are designated reserved or optional; why would these be important in network security? (10 points)

  • First google netstat and understand what it is. At a workstation, open some web pages and then at a command prompt type:

Go to the RFC Editor and download the specifications for IP and TCP.


  • Point your browser to http://www.rfc-editor.org
  • Read the page, click the “RFC SEARCH” link,
  • In the search field “Title/Keyword,” type in the complete name of the protocol (e.g. “Internet Protocol”, not “IP”).
  • By default, the search results are displayed by RFC number (ascending). Also, by default, the number of results shown is 25. Click ‘All’ to show all the results.
  • Identify the RFC for each protocol, by RFC number:
    RFC _______ Internet Protocol (5 points)
    RFC _______ Transmission Control Protocol (5 points)
  • Download the RFCs and use them to answer the following questions

Questions about IP (40 Points)

Questions about TCP (40 Points)

  • What is the difference between a socket and a connection? (5 points)
  • Name five of the six calls the TCP interface provides (to applications) (15 points)
  • What are active and passive OPEN requests? (5 points)
  • Describe the three-way handshake. (15 points)

netstat -a .

Identify the ports your machine is listening on and the state of the various connections it is holding (10 points).

electrical eng introduction to network

project about introduction to network and signal of engineering

risk management plan using the risk register template spreadsheet

  • Risk Management Plan using the Risk Register Template spreadsheet found in Files section (50 points)

Remember, a risk is an uncertain event or condition that can have a positive or negative impact on the project.

This week, you will:

  • Identify and analyze your project risks
  • Complete a risk register as the foundation for your risk management plan
  • Evaluate each task in your project schedule to identify any risk factors associated with the execution of the deliverable
  • Add your list of risks to the risk register template in Files section

The number of risks will depend on the project deliverables in your schedule; however, 20 negative and positive risks are the minimum. Use the Risk Register template

I have submitted all necessary documents

answer this question 2 paragraphs needed

Need 2 paragraphs with sources on this prompt.

What clinical trial endpoints have been shown to improve when ACE inhibitors and/or ARBS are used in preventing the progression of kidney disease in patients with diabetes? Which patients with diabetes benefit the most? At what point is it recommended that an ACE inhibitor or ARB be initiated in a patient with diabetes?

Formulate a response to this discussion. Need 2 paragraphs

In the study Role of ACE inhibitors in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus the results showed that that not only do ACE inhibitors help to slow the progression of kidney disease but that they also help with the protection of other organs. “ACE inhibitors have been reported to improve kidney, heart, and to a lesser extent, eye and peripheral nerve function of patients with diabetes mellitus.” This study was more directed at providing evidence of adding the ACE inhibitor earlier in therapy because it could help prevent other complications in the future such as kidney disease. ACE inhibitors are already indicated in patients with hypertension. I can understand their thought process in doing this but only in high risk diabetes patients for high blood pressure, mainly type 2 diabetes. The patients that benefit the most from taking an ACE or an ARB for preventing the progression of kidney disease is someone who has hypertension or proteinuria. I would also argue that someone who could benefit the most is someone who is high risk for hypertension. Overall there is a lot of evidence from lots of studies pointing towards ACE inhibitors and ARBs being given in patients with both diabetes and hypertension, and this is why it’s initiated after patients have both.

Formaulate response to this discussion. Need 2 paragraphs.

There is a renoprotective effect that ARBs and ACE inhibitors possess that makes them a good candidate to help prevent kidney issues within patients with diabetes. There is evidence for ACE inhibitors in type 1 and ARBs for type 2 diabetes to reduce progression in both diseases. For ACE inhibitors this is seen because of moderately increased albuminuria, there was a study where a diabetic patient had decreased albumin excretion and after two years of disease progression the patients on ACE inhibitors had less albuminuria than those with placebo. There was another study that had overt nephropathy and randomly assigned therapies with either captopril or a placebo. After 4 years patients with captopril had slower rate of creatine increases with less likelihood of progressing to end stage renal disease. This however only worked for patients with creatine of greater than 1.5 mg/dL and it was reduced by 50% per year compared to placebo group. There was no improvement for those with lower baseline plasma creatinine concentration because the rate of progression is slow. Some patients had antiproteinuric effects with remission or regression of nephropathy, 40 were randomly assigned to active therapy with captopril and after 7.7 years 6 patients were still in remission with lower proteinuria after using an ACE inhibitor of captopril. Aggressive blood pressure therapy has been connected with remission and regression. After treatment with ACE inhibitors the rate of decline in GFR was faster after a nine year follow up.

A good reason this method is effective has to do with good blood pressure control and management is a key factor in preventing progression of diabetic nephropathy. United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study determined that 10 mmHG reduction in systolic pressure gives a 12% decrease in risk for diabetic complications. This would indicate that by utilizing these avenues of ACE inhibitor or ARBs to control blood pressure would indirectly reduce a patient’s risk of developing kidney disease complications.

Both diabetic types receive effects from this type of treatment, however it was found that ARBs have better efficacies and that could be a better form for treatment in both type 1 and type 2. With that said, ACE inhibitors have been frequently tested in type 1 diabetics whereas ARBs were tested in type 2. Both had seemingly congruent results that lead to believe either treatment would be recommended but distinguished in which type of diabetes a patient is suffering from.

Patients with urinary albumin excretion rates of 30 to 300 mg in 24 hours are those who should be prescribed these medications in order to utilize this special property for stalling of diabetic nephropathy disease in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients which was recommended by the The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines . After doing a lot of research on this topic my results found that the best method for this prevention of diabetic kidney disease is by using both an ACE inhibitor and ARB together to have a greater reduction in protein excretion, but it was concluded to not use these medications at the same time as it increases likelihood of adverse events.. There however is more data for ARB efficacy rather than ACE inhibitors with this indication.

constitutional rights create a powerpoint presentation 4 questions to address in the attachments below

PowerPoint Format:

  • Your 5-slide requirement is excluding your introduction and reference slides.
  • Use the slide notes section in the presentation to include information that follows your narration, being sure to follow the conventions of Standard English.
  • Slide content should include brief points that identify the areas that will be addressed in the narration. Do not add too much content to each slide; the slides should only provide the highlights of what is being discussed in your narration.
  • In-text citations should be included with any brief points that were researched from outside sources and the narration should fully explain the points
  • Cite all sources on a separate reference slide at the end of the PowerPoint and reference each source in the body of the presentation using APA formatting and citation style. You should use at least one outside resource besides your textbook (2 total).
  • Identify the source of any pictures you use, being sure to cite them correctly in APA style using in-text citations.

Constitutional Rights

Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  1. What is/are a person’s Constitutional Right(s) in any criminal case investigation?
  2. What if a person’s Constitutional Rights are violated?
  3. How could have law enforcement avoid violating a person’s rights?
  4. If an investigator or police officer lies during testimony in court how can this effect the case outcome?

Narration Guidelines:

  • Maintain a professional tone by summarizing observations and evaluations for each slide.
  • Ensure that your presentation is highly ordered, logical, and unified.
  • Words should be clearly enunciated and professional tone should be sustained throughout the presentation narration.
  • Audio recording should be free of background noise and interruptions.

need a power point presentation hints for your slides excellent visuals for the topic background graphics and text complement the presentation and are congruent with the message of the presentation excellent notes note view are included or voice o




a.Artificial Intelligence (AI) – What is it?

b.Expert Systems (ES)

c.Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

3.How are Automated Decision Making Systems being utilized in various Corporations and Industries – An Evaluation

a.The use of automated decision making systems in the world of Business Corporations

b.Environment and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

c.Use of AI in Recruitment in Corporations

d.AI in Leadership Management Decisions

e.Driverless Cars and Artificial Intelligence

f.AI in the field of Medicine



unit 1 individual project 4

Big Data is everywhere and various businesses around the world are driven by Big Data. However, while some businesses rely on Big Data for organizational decision making, this does not mean that the implications and applications of Big Data are properly used to ensure optimal effectiveness for the organization

For this scenario, you have been appointed as the Business Analyst for Big D Incorporated charged with providing authoritative recommendations to the Board of Directors. As the Business Analyst, the recommendation you provide will be based upon data calculated from statistical appropriate formulas. Be reminded that you are not the company’s statistician yet the Business Analyst and therefore responsible for interpreting statistical data and making the appropriate recommendations.

Big D Incorporated was offered a series of business opportunities and it is your job as the Business Analyst to provide expert insight and justification for recommendations regarding these potential prospects.

Assignment Details

Big D Incorporated has a business opportunity to provide two different types of information to a new client. As the Business Analyst, you are tasked to assess the financial feasibility of this opportunity. The new client is a retailer and looking to expand their product offerings. However, they are requesting Big D Incorporated to assist in the decision-making process.

Prepare a presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain the difference between nominal and ordinal data.
  • List 3 qualitative attributes of outdoor sporting goods that the client may want to ask consumers. Make sure 1 of the qualitative attributes is nominal.
  • For each ordinal attribute, assign names for the endpoints of a 5 point rating scale.
  • Explain the difference between interval and ratio data.
  • List 2 quantitative attributes of outdoor sporting goods that market researchers might want to measure.
  • Explain the difference between a population and a sample.

5 To 6 slide with speaker notes

this is a case study 13

Case Study 4: Google, Apple, and Facebook Battle for Your Internet Experience

Textbook (Laudon & Laudon, 2019), Pages 267-269.

Answer all the 5 case study questions listed on Page 269.