analysis essay


Unintentional plagiarism will result in a writing referral, while intentional plagiarism will result in the automatic failure of the paper and the course.

How to avoid plagiarism:

  • Place quotation marks around all words directly taken from a source and include a citation, i.e. (O’Connor 272) at the end of it.
  • Any summaries or paraphrases need to be followed by an in-text / parenthetical citation, i.e. (O’Connor 272)
  • Introduce others’ ideas and words by using a signal phrase, such as: According to David Jauss, “[b]y subtly calling our attention to St. Julian and the story of his life, O’Connor transforms this story of a tragic bus trip to the Y into an ironic, inverted saint’s legend” (np).
  • If your article is in HTML and not PDF, you will not be able to cite page numbers. In these cases, place np in your citation, as noted above…

  • NOTE: I will attach an essay that we did last week and it was a discussion essay. (you can take ideas from the essay).