This is a project for Theatre Appreciation that need to be done by 11 tonight.


Theatre Appreciation
Lesson 5 – Assignment
DUE 11/18

*Please make sure you understand my late work policy as explained in the syllabus.

Please don’t create a cover page. Write your name ONLY in the upper right-hand side of the paper.

Please be aware that I grade on grammar and spelling. If I have to try and decipher what you’re trying to say, then it takes me twice the time to grade the content of the paper. Take the 2 seconds it takes to do the spell/grammar check on your computer and look over your paper for mistakes. I take 1 point off for every 10 errors. I also take points off if you don’t follow the format I asked for.

Written Assignment Video – Ms. Ross (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Below the assignment instructions, you will read instructions on how to submit your assignment. Read the instructions in full. I take points off for not adhering to the rules. Once I finish grading, your grade and my comments will be on your paper.

Imagine that you have created a new community theatre company. Assume the role of producer for the center and choose a mission statement and a variety of plays that will open the season. Let’s make it a 4 show *season. What productions will you choose for that first season and how do your choices make a statement about the purpose and function of the center?

*A season simply means the area of time in which you produce your shows. Maybe it’s a full year of shows. Maybe it’s just the summer. Maybe it’s a 6-month season. It’s up to you. You don’t need to give me the dates of your productions. I’m just interested in the choices.

This is a two part assignment. You must create a mission statement and describe your company’s values. THEN you list the plays in the season and the reasons for your choices. Be as creative as you want.

PART I: Mission Statement and Values ~ 20 pts

1. Name your theatre company

2. Create the mission statement and describe your values (I want more than just a couple of sentences. It needs to be fleshed out.)

A couple of good examples from which to glean inspiration: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Project, Part 1 by Ms. Ross (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
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PART II: Production Selections ~ 80 pts

These must be real, published plays from a licensing company. They can’t be movies or books. They must be stage adaptations. They must all be full-length plays (NOT short plays or one-acts. Make sure you read the description for which type it is). I realize that many of you may not have a lot of knowledge of a variety of plays and musicals. You need to do your research on this subject.

Here are some places you can look to get started: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

You MUST choose your selections from the licensing companies listed OR Public Domain works (Ancient Greek, Shakespeare, etc.). You may NOT choose a production that is not yet up for licensing (including musicals and plays that have recently opened on Broadway).

As you plan your mission statement and your season, please think about WHY you are choosing the shows you are choosing. Do you have more women actors in the community than men? Do you have a lot of singers you want to utilize? Do you have a lack of singers? What is the cultural intelligence of your community? Do you have a lot of diversity in the community? Do you want to utilize the children in your community? The elderly? Do you want to do small plays or large ones? Are you interested in doing known, popular works or obscure ones? Does your theatre company have an interest in edgier works or in light hearted ones? What is the PURPOSE of your theatre company?
(Please don’t answer these in your paper as part of the assignment. It’s what you should be thinking about as you choose your productions.)

Be creative, but be thorough.

You must state the following for EACH play (80 pts ~ 20 pts per show):

1. The title of the play (3 pts)

2. The playwright/librettist and both the composer and lyricist if it’s a musical (2 pts)

  • If it’s a play, the writer is the playwright.
  • If it’s a musical, the person that writes the “script” is the librettist.
  • In a musical, the composer is the one who writes the music. The lyricist writes the lyrics (the words) to the music.
  • You must name each person and their title (playwright, composer, etc.)

PLEASE NOTE: If you don’t state the title AND playwright, you won’t receive points for that play choice.

3. Licensing Company (include the URL) (3 pts)

The URL must be to the page of the play or musical, not just the general website.

The plays and musicals are owned by licensing companies who allow theatre companies to pay royalties to produce the works. This is different than a “publisher.” The websites listed above are licensing agencies.

If the play is public domain, please indicate this in the answer. And please understand that public domain is different than shows that are not yet available to produce. For instance, new shows on Broadway can’t be licensed yet.

4. What type of play is it? A straight play, a musical, children’s play, or a children’s musical? Indicate which. (3 pts)

Please note, I’m not asking if it’s a drama or comedy, although you can state that as well.

5. The number of male characters and the number of female characters (3 pts)

6. Very brief synopsis (3 pts)

Make it more of a teaser. Don’t reveal the entire plot. Don’t tell us the end! But don’t assume we already know what it’s about either. And do NOT just copy and paste a synopsis from another source.

7. How your choice meets your company’s mission (3 pts)

  • I don’t want a general one for all productions chosen. Each production choice needs its own answer for this question.

Please don’t write this in essay format. The information needs to be put in list form EXACTLY as I wrote the assignment.

Project, Part 2 – Ms. Ross (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
*Submit your assignment by doing the following:

At the bottom of this page, submit the paper. It is automatically integrated with Turnitin.

Please submit as a file upload. You can’t copy/paste your assignment, the format won’t look right when I receive it. Do NOT submit as a PDF file.