respond for 2 classmates psychology
respond for 2 classmates
——-1. I think that Presentation A did a really good job of explaining confidentiality and the exceptions that come with it. He did a good job of explaining that things will be confidential but that there are exceptions and he did a good job of explaining exactly what those exceptions are. He explained everything that technically was not confidential and did a good job of reassuring her that all the information would be protected to the best of his abilities. I think that he allowed the client to make an informed decision about counseling. I think that in presentation B, the clinician did a good job of explaining the limitations to confidentiality but I think that she could have gone into more details. I also think that making him sign the sheets before he got into the session was not a good idea because I think that he should know exactly what he is signing before he signs it.
2. I think that I would start by saying the general times where confidentiality might be broken and then follow up with an example so that the client has a clear understanding of every situation that might cause confidentiality to be broken. For instance, I would say that if he told me that he was going to hurt someone else, I would let him know that I would do my best to inform the person that he was claiming to harm. I think that examples and details are really important so that the client is 100% clear in the instances that might break confidentiality.
3. I think that animal abuse is warranted as an exception to confidentiality because I think that if you are causing harm to anything else that it should be reported no matter what. There are organizations out there that will re-home the animals if necessary and if we know about an animal suffering than I think that it should be reported. I think that infectious disease reporting should be an exception if they are intentionally spreading that disease. In the case of HIV/AIDS, I think that if they are having sex with someone and not telling their partner about their condition, then it is our duty to warn that person because that is deadly and can majorly affect their lives. Domestic violence is complicated because if you report the abuse to the police and the police don’t end up arresting the perpetrator, then the abuse could just get worse. I think that sexual assault can get pretty complicated too because it could deter clients from coming to therapy in the first place. I think that reporting of misdemeanors is not necessary but violent felonies should be reported. I think that with all these examples, there could be exceptions so it can get really complicated really quickly. I think that it should up to the counselor’s discretion and that they should outline that in their confidentiality statement.
————After comparing the two presentations of confidentiality, I believe Presentation A did a much better job of conveying this important process. Not only did he take his time in explaining the limits of confidentiality, but he provided concrete examples of situations where confidentiality may be breached. In my opinion, Presentation B was rushed and did not allow the client ample time to ask any questions about the process. She asked the client to sign a written confidentiality form prior to discussing the limits face-to-face, which I believe should be done after a verbal discussion.
I would deliver the limits of confidentiality in a verbal and written form. I would begin by telling my client that what we discuss throughout these session will most often be kept between us. However, there are exceptions when I would have to break confidentiality. For instance, I would tell the client if they reported a specific plan on how they intend to hurt themselves or another individual, I am obligated to break confidentiality for the safety of everyone involved. I would emphasize that my goal is to keep my client safe. Following each example, I would ask the client, in an inviting manner, if they have any questions and if they fully understand the example I provided. I anticipate the client would ask if I would be discussing their file with anyone else. I would respond by saying that as a student under supervision, I would be in contact with my supervisor about my clients, but I would eliminate identifying information when I could. I would also explain how I would disclose their information to third party providers, but only essential information necessary for coverage would be provided, with their consent. I believe confidentiality needs to be broken down and explained with examples so a client understands how these limits are used in clinical practice, as opposed to other settings.
I believe their suggestion of reporting animal abuse is warranted. I believe an animal’s life should be treated just as a human life would. Despite an animal not being able to be interviewed to confirm abuse is happening, I believe if an animal displays any indication of abuse, they should be taken from their current location, just as a child or elder would. I believe infectious diseases should be reported because of their associated health risks. Otherwise, we may cause harm to another individual that could lead to death, which could have been managed and prevented. In this case, we have a duty to warn. Domestic violence and sexual assault are difficult to breach confidentiality because disclosing this information can cause more severe problems, especially in the case of domestic violence where the abuser may retaliate. I think in these cases, it is best to work collaboratively with the client to see if they feel comfortable disclosing information in these areas. If so, I would walk them through the process and provide support throughout.