write two page argumentative essay and reference two scholarly articles

Argumentative/Persuasive Essay

The title for my essay is

  • Do you favor government-mandated encryption backdoors?

Make sure everything is your work/no plagiarism, I have to submit the assignment in safe assign for plagiarism check.

include the counter argument on the essay.

Include elements of the “they say / I say” paradigm.
Include at least two sources.
Include an in-text citation of at least one quote with a reference page. “Plant a naysayer” in your text.
Answer the “who cares / so what” questions.
Minimum 750 words (approximately 3 pages double spaced).

Your introduction should: Have a hook…..start with anecdote sentences

Include a broad contextualization of the issue

Have a thesis that is arguable and should be written at the end of the introduction, supportable by evidence, and narrowly-focused Include transitions between every paragraph

book link if you need

The text is called They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. It can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0393912752…