WKTWO – SOC – Trends and Patterns


I. Access the U.S. Census Bureau’s FACT FINDER tool https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml

Type in Washington city, District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) in the Community Facts drop down window on the Fact Finder web-page.

***Note the estimated median income for Washington, D.C. appearing in the blue bar to the left of the window.***

Name Washington, D.C. and report it in the answer to the first question in the discussion questions’ list below.

II. Click on this link http://apps.urban.org/features/mapping-americas-futures/. Use the Urban Institute’s Map – “City, Community and Regional Changes” in the U.S. Move your cursor to Washington, D.C. on the map. A set of graphs will come up showing estimated changes in population size as well as “age pyramids” that indicate whether that population is aging over time. This indicates whether the birth-rate will keep up with the future needs of an older population.

You can check these facts about Washington, D.C. by going to: http://www.census.gov/

1. The sociological theory of Relative Deprivation holds that an individual’s perception of reality is based on the human tendency to compare his or her socio-economic situation to that of others. The median income in the U.S. in 2017 was $60,336. The median income in Washington, D.C. was $76,657. How might that shape perception when compared to the median income of the country at large? Keep in mind that there is a relationship between median income and cost of living. Higher median incomes are associated with higher cost of living in that area while lower median incomes indicate lower cost of living.

2. Name one demographic change in Washington, D.C. or closest city that will be of importance in the future. Why will it be important?

3. How is the Pew Report (http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2010/02/24/millenni…) on the urban rural divide relevant to Sociology – American Society?

4. What are the major differences between cohabiting and solo parents? Reference: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2018/04/25/the-chan…

5. Do you believe that the psychological profile of millennials presented in the attached PowerPoint presentation is accurate? Please explain.

6. Do you agree with psychologists Susan Pinker and Jean Twenge that social media has – using sociological terms – weakened social cohesion and increased anomie in American society? Reference: Attached PowerPoint Presentation