Wilderness Program Juveniles


APA format 1,200 to 1,500

the basis the paper’s were wrote on

Because of financial cutbacks, many state programs, such as the wilderness program for juveniles, have been cut back or discontinued. Is it a good idea to let these cutbacks continue, or should the state find the funds to continue these types of programs for wayward juveniles? How can this be accomplished? Would it provide positive results?

Assignment Guidelines

Group Portion (1)

  • As a group, collaborate and come to a consensus on the following questions:
    • Is it a good idea to neglect juvenile programs because of financial concerns? Why or why not?
      • Should finding the funds to continue these types of programs for wayward juveniles be a priority? Why or why not?
      • How can this be accomplished? Explain.
      • Would it provide positive results? Why or why not?

  • Now that you have completed your individual research on your state’s juvenile programs, reevaluate your group’s responses to the questions from the Group Portion (1).
  • As a group, revise your answers, and submit a final group paper with the revised answers as well as the members’ information on state programs from the Individual Portion.

paper 1

Brianna Washington

Criminal Justice

I do not think it is a good ideal to neglect juvenile programs because of financial concerns. I think that we should raise money and awareness to support these programs. These programs are very useful and helpful, i think they are much needed. Not only for said juvenile but also for the society and community. Not only do many states provide rehabilitating facilities, they also provide programs to get the juvenile on the right path. If we are thinking with logic it only makes sense to continue these programs and opportunities because these juveniles are going to be living in our communities as adults too. We don’t want a bunch of children we could have helped living a destructive life and hurting our community if we can help it.

Personally I do believe that finding the funding for these programs is a necessity, we need more productive adults in the world and we can’t have that if we don’t help when we have the opportunity. It is important for us to provide foundation for juveniles, when it is necessary. We need to continue to provide the funding for these programs, there are programs available for drug addicts, mental health, and just getting juveniles on the right path. Those are all things we need to help with in order for our communities to be a safe place. Rehabilitation is an important thing to have in every community, weather its for mental health, or substance abuse. It helps the majority of people to improve their lifestyle.

Raising these funds could go in many different directions. We could do fundraisers in gas stations and stores. Providing the necessities to make these things more available and, providing more information to the community could also be useful. We could volunteer at places and donate the money to these organizations. I really think that there needs to be more information provided to the general public. The children in these programs could do fundraisers or help us to encourage others to donate. There are chain stores whom could donate a

percentage of their earnings to these programs, for a set time frame. There are so many ways the community could help keep these opportunities available.

I personally believe there would be a positive outcome from these programs. I think it will help several children to get on the right path and to rehabilitate them from substance abuse and mental issues they may be having. Helping these children get on the right path can help them live a productive life, and reduce the amount of them that end up dead or in prison. That’s beneficial to the community as well because that is less we have to pay in to the government. These children are also benefiting they are getting a chance to change their life.

I was looking at the programs available in my home state Missouri, there are several boot camps, boarding schools, ranches, and programs for troubled teens. These programs provide everything from substance abuse, abuse, neglect, and behavioral issues. They are trying to help all troubled children. A lot of these places provide life skills, work ethic, and art programs. There are well over a dozen available in Missouri, they even provide some for just males or just females.

There is one program in Missouri that is very well known, it’s called Heartland. Heartland is a Christian based boarding school, for kids whom have been in bad situations and have developed a behavioral issue. This school also believes in corporal punishment and they use it. There have been several investigations for abuse to the students, but the school remains. There are several of these boarding schools located in Missouri, they are all over the state. I don’t agree with the way they do things in this school, nor would i ever send my child to it but it very well known in Missouri. They are still open and still running to this day, there are still students who go here as well. https://hcaboardingschool.org/

Heartland provides children with a environment that has structure, and foundation. They take in those who have struggled with addiction or been in trouble with the law. The students and their families can live at Heartland in the little town or the children can come from wherever and be dropped off for boarding school, they can also transport everyday. This place is not only

for children it is also for rehabilitating adults. Basically what I am saying is you can come into Heartland with any problem and get rehabilitated, they even take prisoners. Heartland is not a gender specific place, and they don’t turn away anyone who needs their help. http://digital.kbia.org/heartland

paper 2

Open Investment in Juvenile Justice

Rebecca Blankenship

Colorado Technical University


Educator: Nicole Fox-Bolte


Note: Previously composed for same class for Don Kalamas


Today, drug and substance abuse is prevalent among youths. Drug abuse among youths may result from peer pressure, availability and exposure to the substances, as well as emotional or psychological issues. There is need for the development of efficient programs that can educate and prevent the ever-growing drug usage rate among the youths. The paper describes the various programs that help the youth overcome the problem of drug abuse.

Open Investment in Juvenile Justice

Adolescent wrongdoing stays instrumental in the change of a country. Such a striking explanation is grounded on the conviction that the influenced general public includes the young – tomorrow’s pioneers genuinely talking (Cameron and MacDougall, 2000). Lamentably, different states have ceased interest in adolescent intercessions, for example, the wild program. Inability to organize the requirements of the general public is very adverse on a nation concerning the financial domain. One would be constrained to concur with the former stipulation especially as the surviving intercessions have developed productive in wrongdoing decrease and social strengthening. All things considered, this paper passes on an inside and out clarification of the components that require state subsidizing of such projects for wayward adolescents.

The Idea of Juvenile Programs is a Great Thing

For the time being, it gets the job done to affirm that estimating the estimation of open intercessions in adolescent misconduct is practically unthinkable. Such is the situation given the financial status of the wonder: it is very uncertain (Boardman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer, 2017). Obviously, a money saving advantage investigation can’t precisely show the social and monetary effects of adolescent wrongdoing just as its administration. One thing that is remaining clear is the way that adolescent wrongdoing risks the nation’s advancement in the two circles (Boardman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer, 2017). This acknowledgment legitimizes any open endeavors towards the issue. Maybe, an inside and out investigation of the known benefits of such intercessions can attest the requirement for a continuation of adolescent mediations, for example, the wild program.

Finding the Funds is a Good Idea to Continue Wayward Juvenile Programs

For this contention, the readership is encouraged to ponder the wild camps approach. This strategy includes the private situation of the adolescent delinquents in physically and mentally difficult outside encounters to upgrade their concentration and comprehension of ‘oneself’. Its supporters contend that most, if not every single adolescent reprobate are casualties of psychosocial weights: this infers their restricted comprehension (concerning their remarkable properties) impacts them into degenerate practices (Cameron and MacDougall, 2000). This line-of-thought bodes well while considering criminal acts, for example, posse savagery and burglary. In this sense, such a program supports the adolescents by enabling them to accept control of their lives. Analysts concur that this experiential picking up setting is promising given that it decreases recidivism by roughly 40 percent (Boardman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer, 2017). Maine’s Diversion to Assets program seems famous: not one of the charged adolescent guilty parties was engaged with further wrongdoing association. Such a social advantage legitimizes government financing of such projects.

Providing Positive Results from the Programs

As much as the monetary points of interest of open mediation in adolescent wrongdoing stay uncertain, a few states have endeavored to measure their methodologies and noticed a decline in government consumption. For example, Michigan’s Key to Success preoccupation activity spared the city’s adolescent framework in any event 3.9 million dollars. Different states, for example, Florida and Pennsylvania spared around 36.4 and 16.1 million dollars separately (Boardman, Greenberg, Vining, and Weimer, 2017). Note that these figures don’t precisely represent the advantages because of the way that strengthening of adolescent delinquents pulls in vast monetary advantages once the recipients take part in financial exercises (for example business). Together with the portrayed social advantages, plainly the legislature must not decrease on such mediations.

How to Accomplish Finding the Funding for Such Programs

Despite the avocations for state interest in adolescent equity, open subsidizing remains exceedingly tricky. The monetary reductions fill in as clarification for the financial strain adolescent misconduct presents. Maybe, state subsidizing can be cultivated through both open and private roads. The first would include the assignment of a bit of the state incomes to adolescent wrongdoing the board while the last requires the cooperation of private elements including NGO’s, corporate natives, and other private welfare activities. The private segment should take part in such projects since the entire society benefits when the wrongdoing rates are low. All things considered, interest in adolescent equity programs anticipates future wrongdoing. Such a supposition depends on the way that the projects change the delinquents’ life point of view: accentuation on the positive results examined in the past segments.


Boardman, A. E., Greenberg, D. H., Vining, A. R., and Weimer, D. L. (2017). Money saving advantage investigation: ideas and practice. Cambridge University Press.

Cameron, M., and MacDougall, C. J. (2000). Wrongdoing counteractive action through game and physical action (Vol. 165). Canberra: Australian establishment of criminology.