Visiting Artist


Attend at least one of the following Visiting Artist Series presentations hosted by Cinema Department, and write an analysis on the work shown at the presentation. Focus on the concepts and formal approaches employed by the artist, and include your personal reflections.

Rose Lowder will present FORYANNFROMROSE (2014), TURBULENCE (2015),

TARTARUGHE D’ACQUA (2016), and BOUQUETS 11-20 (2005-09)

France, ca 50 min.

The Bouquets films, like most all of Lowder’s films, are characterized by a rapid-fire perceptual workout generated by frame-by-frame photography. She exposes her scenes at alternating increments, introducing a vibration or alternation between two distinct positions or, in many cases, subjects, thereby depriving cinema of its standard capacity to replicate “normal” vision. This natural look, we might call it, is replaced with a tense, heightened dialecticism, which electrifies that which might otherwise mistake for being inert. Although the Bouquets (and other Lowder films) contain all sorts of images drawn from in and around Lowder’s home in provincial France, the image which has become her standard recognition baseline (a kind of cine-avatar, if you will) is the flower, either in isolation or dispersed across gardens in color-organized beds. Lowder’s flowers don’t just sway in the wind. Her single-frame shifting whips the flora into a kind of molecular frenzy. Frequently, another view—a hillside, a home, even an animal—will intersect with this flower motion, its dominant melody allowing the unexpected content to function as counterpoint. – Michael Sicinski, TIFF Wavelength 2011

For many years Rose Lowder has been developing an exceptional technique of weaving together images gathered frame- by-frame to form meticulous patterns of light. By oscillating the focal plane of photographs shot in the same place over time, her layered tapestries produce a new relationship between �ilmed reality and �ilmic image. From the movement of a waterwheel’s rotations, mirroring the camera mechanism, to a bouquet of �lowers becoming a bouquet of images, her work demonstrates a unique means of expression unparalleled in the world of cinema.

Here is the link for the part of film ( BOUQUETS 11-20 (2005-09) ):…
