US constitution Essay


Read chapter 2 and 3, write a reflection essay!!!!!!!!!

Read chapter 2 and 3, write a reflection essay!!!!!!!!!

Read chapter 2 and 3, write a reflection essay!!!!!!!!!

Part I. Summarize the chapter – in your own words please. Do not copy and paste from the text or outside sources.

Part II. Define at least two terms

Part III. Find one other concept/term (not defined in part II) that you found interesting. Answer the following: 1) why did you choose this term? 2) any reactions/response to the concepts did they elicit from you 3) how the concept relates to you or to our current political situation. Please provide examples. Do not copy and paste from the text or outside sources.

Part IV: Optional: any questions or comments you have about what you read

Some additional considerations/requirements:

  • 12 point font, double spaced, at least one page per chapter.
  • You may bring in outside resources and cite properly (don’t plagiarize)
  • Constantly ask yourself questions as you’re reading like “why” and “what do I think of this” and “how does it relate to me” as opposed to simply trying to memorize information, that’s not the purpose of this exercise.

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