Transformative Change in a Global Environment wk7/8


Question CXU7

Project, Part 3: Organizational Analysis

This paper builds on the Background Paper to outline the state of the organization today. This paper must be 750–1,000 words in length. It should analyze how the organization operates in the present time and the major challenges facing the organization.

The Organizational Analysis paper must include the following components:

An analysis of the present-day organizational structure, including key leadership positions

An explanation of the organization’s current mission and an assessment of how well the organization is (or is perceived to be) accomplishing its mission

An explanation of the three most important challenges facing the organization and what factors are contributing to those challenges

An explanation of the potential areas of transformational change in the organization

Question CXU8A

Write an explanation of how your organization models cross-cultural leadership. In your explanation, address whether or not the organization includes cross-cultural leadership in its planning and evaluation and why. Also, explain if the overall mission of the organization requires that the organization practice a cross-cultural management or leadership model.

Question CXU8B

Write a Blog Entry from the perspective of the leader of the organization you selected for your Project describing your three main transformational leadership challenges. Explain why these challenges are important and how they affect the organization. Your target audience for this Blog Entry is leaders in organizations similar to yours. Your Blog Entry should appraise these challenges and explain them to your peers.