The Catcher in the rye essay r


check the the file I already attached for full details!!

  1. Instructions:Now that you have fully read J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, have gained a deeper understanding of the cultural context of the story, and have examined the various elements of the novel (characters, theme, setting, symbolism, point-of- view…etc.), it’s time to write about this controversial novel.
    • Your introductory paragraph must properly introduce the story by including the name of the author, the title of the story, when it was published, and any brief and relevant bit of information (regarding author, the era in which the text waswritten,…etc.) that is needed to launch your argument. At the end of yourintroductory paragraph, please insert your thesis (central theme of the story) with its plan of development (three characters that drive that underlying theme).
    • Your essay must only be between 1000-1500 words in length.
    • Your argument must be sufficiently supported with directly quoted, paraphrased,and/or briefly summarized passages from the story, all of which must be properly cited according to the correct MLA standards. To specify, you must use between two to four relevant quotes or paraphrased passages from the novel for each significant character that you deem advances the theme of this story (i.e. three characters equals to 6-12 borrowed passages from the novel).
    • Finally, please remember to keep focused, control your writing, and do not open any doors that you are not willing to shut with an explanation.