SOCW6103: RE: Discussion Response to 2 Students (Wk4)


Respond to at least two of your colleagues who chose a different scenario from yours and offer your view and thoughts on the level of treatment that your colleagues chose. (Be detailed in your response, Use 2 APA references)

Response to Shannon

Post a brief description of the scenario that you selected and explain which level of treatment is most appropriate for the client and why. Include the criteria for that level of treatment.

Anthony is a 16-year-old who smokes marijuana no more than three times weekly and mostly on the weekends. He was pulled over for a broken tail light but got cited for possession of a controlled substance (marijuana). His parents were unaware of his frequent illicit drug use and are concerned about the potential addiction.

The level of treatment that is most appropriate for Anthony is Intensive Outpatient Care. According to Capuzzi and Stauffer (2016), intensive outpatient treatment (Level II) is a program that can be delivered before or after work and/or school or on the weekdays or weekends. The program might consist of biopsychosocial evaluations, collaboration of treatment plan with clients, and the development of measurable goals and objectives (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). The program may offer services such as case management, vocational rehabilitation, and transportation (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). The program is can usually last as long as six hours a day and the clients can participate in psychoeducation classes; they can use their knowledge in real-life settings (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). Many intensive outpatient programs also offer psychiatric and medical consultations and medication management, physical examinations, and access to a 24-hour crisis hotline (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016).

According to Gastfriend (n.d.), the criteria for intensive outpatient treatment is: minimal risk for intoxication or withdrawal, manageable medical complications, mild severity in psychological/behavioral complications, if they are cooperative but may need structure in readiness for change, if they need close monitoring, if they require a recovery environment with less support and can cope with structure.

Based on your review of the levels of treatment, explain which level you are most interested in working in and why.

According to Timko, Sempel, and Moos (2003), intensive treatment programs may offer a wider variety of services than standard programs. Therefore, I would be interested in working in an intensive outpatient program; I also have two years of experience working with this type of level of care. I worked as a psychosocial rehabilitation counselor and I provided psychoeducational groups and activities with the members. I developed treatment plans with them and assisted them with vocational rehabilitation. I also worked as a case manager in which I gained more experience in composing continued stays and preauthorization requests for services to Medicaid for each member on my caseload.


Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

Gastfriend, D. R., MD. (n.d.). ASAM Placement Criteria [PDF]. National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors.

Timko, C., Sempel, J. M., & Moos, R. H. (2003). Models of standard and intensive outpatient care in substance abuse and psychiatric treatment. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 30(5), 417–436. Retrieved from


Response to Jessica

Brief Description of Scenario

Anthony is a 16 year old male who was pulled over for a broken tail light and cited for possession of a controlled substance due to having marijuana on him. He admits to smoking marijuana no more then 3 times per week, mostly on weekends, as well as drinking with friends on the weekends. Anthony has never had any other encounters with the law. His parents have grounded him from his friends and are concerned with his behavior and the potential for addiction.

Level of Treatment Most Appropriate

Outpatient treatment would be the most appropriate form of treatment for Anthony. I believe that this is the most appropriate level of care for Anthony due to his only admitted use of substances is marijuana and alcohol only on the weekends. His use was exposed due to the external consequence of being pulled over by law enforcement (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). Due to this negative consequence he may be able to reflect on the negative effects of addiction in an easier manner (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). Looking at the 6th dimension of the recovery environment Anthony has a supportive family and home environment (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016). Due to the strong home environment with both parents with no addictions implicated, who appear concerned, and supportive, Anthony would likely be positive for outpatient treatment (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016)

Level of Treatment Most Interested In

The level of treatment that I am most interested in is outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is an area that I like because it allows one to gain a relationship with clients and develop an individualized treatment plan for them. By providing individuals with a consistent long term therapist, it provides the individual with someone that they feel as though they can confide in and trust.

Capuzzi, D. & Stauffer, M.D. (2016). Foundations of addiction counseling (3rd Ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 5, “Introduction to Assessment” (pp. 89-118)