Revise my paper majorly
I got an F on this paper another tutor did for me! I need it majorly revised based on all the feedback and rubric from the teacher! PLEASE MAKE SURE THERE IS NO PLAGIARISM
Maximum Points – 20 points
You defined what a program evaluation is instead of discussing your program evaluation.
GR2 State the purpose of your evaluation. CO: 1 PO: 3, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 20 points
You failed to discuss the purpose of your evaluation. What are you evaluating? It’s unclear
GR3 Describe the desired outcomes (short and long term) for the program to be successful. CO: 1 PO: 3, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 32 points
You failed to address the requirements for this section. You discussed general information that was not relevant.
GR4 Identify all the stakeholders that would need to be engaged in the evaluation. CO: 2, 3 PO: 4, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 20 points
You mentioned stakeholders ages 15-35. What are you evaluating? What is the purpose?
GR5 Choose an evaluation framework that will influence what type of resources will be used as evidence, how that evidence will be gathered and analyzed, and what kind of claims can be made. CO: 4 PO: 3, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 32 points
You failed to mention your evaluation framework. You gave a definition an evaluation framework and the usefulness.
GR6 Determine criteria for effectiveness of the program and the data that would need to be collected to meet the selected criteria. CO: 4
Maximum Points – 36 points
You failed to address how this would be applicable to your program evaluation. You mentiond the number and types of phones used by stakeholder. This section in unclear.
GR7 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different data-gathering techniques and information analysis approaches to ensure quality in the evidence gathered. CO: 4 PO: 3, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 36 points
You mentioned using questionnaires and weaknesses. You failed to mention strengths. It’s very unclear because I don’t know what you are evaluating.
GR8 Highlight important evaluation findings including effective strategies to interpret and present the results and recommendations for the program to the stakeholders. CO: 5 PO: 3, 4, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 28 points
You failed mention how this would be applied to your program evaluation. What findings did you gather from your program evaluation?
GR9 Select appropriate communication strategies and develop a communication plan using appropriate media and technology to inform the stakeholders. CO: 5 PO: 3, 4, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 40 points
You mentioned that the findings would be emailed.
GR10 Determine how the results will be implemented and monitored. CO: 5 PO: 3, 4, 6, 8
Maximum Points – 20 points
You failed to mention how this would be applied to your program evaluation. You mentioned having follow-up plans in general but nothing applicable to your program evaluation.
GR11 Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Maximum Points – 16 points
Your paper did not have a natural flow because the substance was unclear.
Overall Score
Total Score
Overall Feedback
You failed to address this assignment adequately. You provided very general information instead of following the rubric and providing specific information about your program evaluation. You never mentioned what you were evaluating so it remained unclear throughout your paper. Does this make sense?
300-30 (10% late penalty)=270
Points earned 83