Respond to 2 classmates posts for Pysch Course



Stan has a lot of childhood memories that he was able to share with his therapist. The theme behind those memories was sadness and embarrassment. Stan displayed a common theme of feeling inferiority in this weeks session. One of Alderian’s techniques is having individuals recollect some of their earliest memories. I think that the value in this technique allows an individual to see how those past memories can be affecting them and their decision making today. Its interesting to be able to remember things from so long ago and be able to interpret based on things endured up to the point in life that a person is now. I think that inferiority does stem from early on. Stan felt like a failure when he was unable to rescue the kitten and it affected him presently. He always felt helpless in his marriage. In early childhood we make basic mistakes in interpretation that affect the rest of our lives. I think that his past experiences have affected the way he makes decisions in life at this point. Because Stan had a strained relationship with his family and siblings he is constantly feeling down. Stan feels that if he gets the degrees he can finally get some type of approval from his dad. I think that Stan is very critical of himself. He has allowed simple mistakes from childhood define who he is today and therefore I think he has limited himself based on the notion that no matter what he does he will never be good enough.

In terms of myself I have a lot of memories from growing up but they are mixed in terms of negative and positive. I have 2 very diverse families one stemming from my mother and the other my father. I think this balance kind of molded me into the person I am today. I have a family who is very strict, goal oriented, and well disciplined. I also have a family that is fun. They live life daily as if it’s their last. They do just enough to get by and don’t stress or worry over things they cant change. I used to spend summers with both families but I always picked the fun side last because I would feel behind in terms of knowledge but I knew I could count on the other side to change that mindset. As an adult, I am well disciplined but also carefree. I’ve been put in situations where I had to make decisions but had it not been for the varying degree of exposure to certain relatives, I would have been in a mess of trouble. My goals are becoming more of a reality because I channeled the negativity and decided I wanted more than I initially thought I could have. I was raised to believe that the sky is not the limit and possibilities are endless. I think that because of my diverse background and a lot of the challenges I have overcome I will be able to help my clients explore and face many obstacles that are ahead. I think the Alderian Concept is awesome. I believe that a lot of issues do stem from very early on and by having clients relive or just remember some of those things, it will give insight and understanding which will be most helpful in the rehabilitation process.


Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy


Question I.

Some of my earliest memories are being around my family, traveling and seeing a lot of arguing within my family. One specific early memory is being around my family and seeing them argue. The significance of this early recollection for me is that the trend still continues till today where we are all together but there always some type of argument around my family. It still exists in my life today. The value I see in recalling earliest memories is that you get a better understanding of the client, once interrupted and summarized, you learn the client’s faults, mistakes and provide better therapy for the client.

Question II.

Alderian’s theory applies to me because I also felt inferior in my early childhood stages. I used to get bullied in my house and in school as well. I used to have very low self-esteem because I thought I was not good enough to do anything or be anybody. I have dealt with it by watching videos on self-confidence, enlightenment and also read many self-help books that have really helped me in my present and should help me in my future. I do see a big struggle with basic inferiority and my accomplishments. Sometimes, there are some triggers that occur that take me back to some bad memories in my childhood, cause some hesitations in my accomplishments, but that is when I remember all the self-help knowledge that I have learned over the years and then feel much better and accomplish whatever I want.

Question III.

My goals are to succeed, work hard, live life to the fullest and provide service to others. This is the reason why I am majoring in rehabilitation counseling and case management. To help others succeed as well and live their lives happily. My past has influence my future because I want my future to be much much better than my past and filled with happiness. That is why I work hard to achieve my goals. I can apply this goal-oriented approach by setting goals to help my clients succeed in their lives, get back to their community, be independent and live happily.

Question IV.

It was very different growing up in my family. Relationships with my siblings are both bitter sweet. Some days we all get along perfectly and some days they are all arguing. Notice I said “they” are all arguing, because I have learned to just stay out of any small or big arguments within my family for a peace of mind. What I have learned about myself is that I am a very quiet person, I hate negativity and a lot of unnecessary energy wasting. What I learned about others is that people can be trusted once you get to know them, their routines and also that some people that are not that happy themselves, will try to bring you down along with them.

Question V.

Social interest holds a great value in my own life. To be a great therapist, you have to be social, meet people and understand their issues and provide the best help. In my own personal life, being social, meeting new people from different backgrounds has been a great experience for me and has taught me a lot about life and how to socialize. From my experience, I can definitely help my clients gain social interest by providing them information about my experiences. Letting them know that it is okay to meet people, if they are not comfortable being alone with a lot of people then they can meet them in a setting where they have family members present. Meeting new people would be great for clients depending on what type of disability they have.

Corey, G. (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Boston, MA