Researching a Creation/Origin Story


Research an American Indian creation/origin story on the internet. You may want to use some key search terms such as “American Indian” and “origin story” or “creation story.” You may also want to do a tribal-specific search. I have also provided a link to the American Indian Studies Center website (out of UCLA) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that has numerous links to a variety of web-based resources about Native peoples.

Make sure to check out the link below on evaluating American Indian websites PRIOR to doing your searches. Pay particular attention to the suggestions pertaining to the CONTENT of the websites.

Evaluating American Indian Websites (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Once you have found a story, read it, and evaluated the website and story for legitimacy (as best as you can tell), complete the story evaluation sheet to tell me some important information about your story and the website.