Religious Studies Discussion 3 Paragraphs


Before there was “Lost,” before there was “The Twilight Zone,” before Salvidor Dali met Pablo Picasso or collaborated with Luis Buñuel, there was Kafka. Kafka is at once an icon of “the surreal,” a prophet of “the Absurd,” a quintessential existentialist, and a prepondernt master of the tragi-comic ironic. He is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest modern, if not post-modern, writers. His novel The Trial is considered in close contention with James Joyce’s Ulysses as a candidate for the greatest novel of the 20th Century. His work draws from many influences including such eclectic sources as the Bible, Hassidic tales, Flaubert, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Dickens, Goethe, and, albeit critically, Kierkegaard.For this assignment I want you to explore the writings of Kafka. I strongly recommend you read “The Metamorphosis,” “In The Penal Colony,” “Before the Law,” and “The Judgement,” but feel free to pick your own favorite Kafka story to comment upon. I suggest you take advantage of the videos I have included on the “video” page. Don’t forget to post your thoughts here, unless you experience a metmorphosis that transforms your ability to do so.