Redefining Racial and Ethnic Identities
Part one: To prepare for this Discussion: Objectification and Oppositional Identity
- Review the “Framework Essay” in Section I in the course text and the article “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” Pay particular attention to the discussion regarding objectification and oppositional identity.
- Review the Frontline video clip, A Class Divided. Look for examples of objectification and oppositional identity in the clip.
- Consider how objectification and oppositional identity influenced students in Jane Elliott’s exercise to redefine their racial and ethnic identities.
“Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?”
A Class Divided
With these thoughts in mind, answer this question: Post one example of objectification in A Class Divided. Then post one example of oppositional identity in A Class Divided. Explain how objectification and oppositional identity influenced students to redefine their racial and ethnic identities.
Part two: To prepare for this Assignment: Redefining Identity Through Assimilation
- Review the article “The Pressure to Cover.” Pay particular attention to the concept of assimilation.
- Review the “Assimilation and Ethnic Identity” article on the Asian Nation website. Focus on connections between assimilation and ethnic identity.
- Consider one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from the perspective of an immigrant.
- Think about one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from the perspective of a non-immigrant.
- Reflect on how assimilation can influence immigrants to redefine their identity.
Yoshino, K. (2006, January 15). The pressure to cover. The New York Times Magazine, 32–37. Retrieved from the ProQuest Central database. (Document ID: 973276381)
“Assimilation and Ethnic Identity”
The Assignment should be 3 pages long: Not including title page.
- Define assimilation in your own words.
- Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from an immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each.
- Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from a non-immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each.
- Explain how the choice to assimilate or not to assimilate can influence immigrants to redefine their identity.