

Please Only Bid If you have the TEXEBOOK: Meyer & Quenzer 2n edition Psychopharmacology, Drugs, The Brain and Behavior.

No Plagairism please. Cite & Reference all work.

Objective 2: Analyze the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of opiates.

Opiates and opioids are a widely abused class of drugs with a high addiction liability. These drugs are rapidly becoming drugs of abuse in epidemic proportions in many states. In fact, in many states, accidental opiate overdose has now exceeded motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of death. Understanding the pharmacokinetics, especially receptor binding properties as well as the pharmacodynamics of opiates, is essential for the substance abuse counselor. This is especially true since these drugs are serving as an example for the next frontier in substance abuse treatment, that is, Pharmacologically Assisted Addiction Management.

Learning Activity #3: Opiates Paper

  • Read Chapter 10 of your textbook by Meyer & Quenzer.
  • Discover at least two scholarly articles concerning methadone, buprenorphine, or both.
  • Write a 3-page paper arguing from a pharmacokinetic point of view whether it is more advantageous to utilize methadone or buprenorphine in opiate dependent patients.
  • To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need to be thoroughly addressed:
  • A summary of the scholarly articles you discovered as support from your arguments.
  • A clear outline of your argument and why.
  • Please You are encouraged to reference the tutorial and checklist.
  • Ensure that you have cited and referenced at least two scholarly sources.

Objective 4: Examine the neurotransmitter systems affected by these drugs.

Alcohol, opiates, and sedative hypnotic drugs are generally recognized as central nervous system depressants yet each of these affects different neurotransmitters within the brain. While alcohol is considered both safe and legal by many users and was thought to affect two primary neurotransmitter systems, new research indicates that alcohol pharmacodynamics are really much more complex than originally thought. Many neuroscientists are now labeling alcohol a “dirty” drug, based on its ability to affect almost every neurotransmitter system in the brain.

Learning Activity #5: Neurotransmitters #2 Response

Discover at least one scholarly articles on the neurotransmitter systems affected by alcohol, opiates, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines.

  • Write a one-page response that includes a synopsis of the article.

Objective 5: Apply the concepts of 2 Timothy 3:1-9 as it relates to drug use/addiction.

2 Timothy 3:1-9 is salient for an understanding of a Biblical worldview of Substance Use Disorders. First, it differentiates between the selfishness of person with a Substance Use Disorder while actively using versus the “selflessness” needed for recovery. Second, it forewarns against “false teachers.” Seeing this passage from a Christian Worldview, it is easy to appreciate how drugs and alcohol can become false teachers. Finally, this passage describes the defense mechanisms utilized by those actively utilizing substances to “protect their disease.”

Learning Activity #6: WK2 Case Study

  • In Christian counseling settings the application of biblical principles is essential to assist the client in achieving change. SPECK analysis is a useful tool for interpreting the Scriptures and assisting clients in application of these biblical principles to their daily lives.
  • Read the WK2 Case Study provided in the link.
  • Write a one-page response that answers the questions at the end of the case study, and apply a SPECK analysis to either Neda or Jim.

Get your SPECKs on to help you make good application of the text. Write a brief sentence answering the following questions:

S–‐Is there a sin to confess, forsake, or avoid? Can you help the clients understand this?

P–‐Is there a principle to live by or a promise to claim? Can you help the clients see these principles/promises?

E–‐Is there an example to follow or avoid? Can you help the clients recognize these examples?

C–‐Is there a command to obey? Can you help the clients in changing behaviors so they are faithful to these commands?

K–‐Is there some knowledge about God to be gained? Can you help the clients discern the truth?