PSYC1000 Capella University Article Comparison


Study Skills: Article Comparison

Note: Please read the directions for both the discussion and the response post carefully.


Read and review the Introduction to Psychology textbook, pages 36–46. Then review the Anatomy of a Scholarly Article.


As a developing professional, it is important to critically evaluate sources of information. Part of evaluating sources is to understand the differences between popular sources and scholarly sources: their purpose, intended audiences, and accuracy.

In your studies for this unit, you will read two articles—one that is scholarly and one from popular media:

Think about the differences you found between the two articles:

  • How do the styles differ?
  • Is one more reliable than the other? Does each present information and data?
  • Who are the authors or sponsoring organizations of the articles?
  • Who is the intended audience for each article?

In your discussion, complete the following:

  • Identify the scholarly article and the popular media article.
  • Describe the similarities and the differences you find between the two articles.
  • Identify any research methods described in each of the articles.
  • Describe how each presents information and data. Is one more accurate than the other? Why?
  • Use the current APA style and formatting for citing each article.