PS365 Unit 6 ABAB reversal design


Read Chapter 3: “Graphing Behavior and Measuring Change” (Miltenberger, pp. 43-63).

Read Chapter 6: “Punishment” (Miltenberger, pp. 105-124).

Read Chapter 6: “Constructing and Interpreting Graphic Displays of Behavioral Data” (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, pp. 126-157.

Read the following article from the library

Dixon, M. R., Jackson, J. W., Small, S. L., Horner-King, M. J., Mui Ker Lik, N., Garcia, Y., & Rosales, R. (2009). Creating single-subject design graphs in Microsoft ExcelTM 2007. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 277-293.

Research designs- 250 words APA format, Reference the class material only.

Question 1: Select one of the following research designs: ABAB Reversal Design; Multiple Baseline Design; Alternating Treatments Design; or Changing Criterion Design. Provide a brief overview of your selected research design and discuss types of situations in which the design would work best and those situations in which the design would not work.

Question 2: When evaluating graphic displays, what do the terms “level,” “trend,” and “variability” mean? How do these terms relate to the use of visual analysis to determine the effectiveness of an intervention?

Part 2 –

Complete the Unit 6 Assignment: Case Study

Resource: How to Make a Graph Using Microsoft Excel

The Unit 6 Assignment requires you to apply the theories, concepts, and research that you have covered so far this term to a hypothetical case study. Your answers to the questions and completed graph should consist of information from the text and supplemental readings.You also may use sources from the Library or other credible Internet sources, but your primary sources should be the readings assigned for the course.

Read each Case Study and answer the questions below. You will need to write 2–3 typed pages for each case in order to address all required parts of the project.Answers to the questions should be typed in an APA formatted Word document, double-spaced in 12-point font and submitted to the Dropbox.

Your final paper must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review the Syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism.Please make sure to provide proper credit for those sources used in your case study analysis in proper APA format. Please see the APA Quick Reference for any questions related to APA citations. You must credit authors when you:

  1. Summarize a concept, theory or research
  2. Use direct quotes from the text or articles

Read Case Study 1: Martin

Martin, a behavior analyst, is working with Sara, a 14-year-old girl with severe developmental delays who exhibits self-injurious behavior (SIB). Sara’s target behavior is defined as pulling her hair, biting her arm and banging her head against the wall. After conducting a functional analysis, Martin decided to employ an intervention program consisting of differential reinforcement of other (DRO) desired behavior. Martin collected data on Sara’s SIB before and during the intervention. Below is a depiction of the data that Martin collected:

Sara’s Frequency of SIB

BASELINE Occurrences

DRO Occurrences









Address the following questions, and complete the following requirements:

  1. Create a basic line graph using Microsoft Excel, to be included in your Word document. The graph should depict the data provided in this case study. You should only need to create one graph, with SIB depicted, both in baseline and in intervention.
  2. What type of research design did Martin employ when working with Sara? What is an advantage and a disadvantage of using this research design?
  3. According to the data in the graph, was the intervention that Martin selected effective in modifying Sara’s self-injurious behavior?
  4. Martin had considered using an ABAB reversal design when working with Sara. What are some ethical implications of selecting a reversal design when working with the type of behavior problems that Sara was exhibiting?
  5. Martin’s supervisor requested a graph of the data he collected when working with Sara. Why are graphs useful in evaluating behavior change?
  6. Discuss how a graph demonstrates a functional relationship. Identify whether the graph that you created using the data provided in this section depicts a functional relationship.