

Black Masculinity clips Options Menu: Forum

Watch Video The Wire – Michael’s Best Moment

Duration: 1:25
User: n/a – Added: 5/7/13

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Watch Video The Wire – Marlo Dismantles the Co-Op

Duration: 2:06
User: n/a – Added: 6/30/09

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Watch Video “Im a Man”

Duration: 0:36
User: n/a – Added: 3/22/08

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Watch Video S4E12 Namond Slapped, realizes no future following Bey

Duration: 1:06
User: n/a – Added: 2/7/13

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Watch Video This Is An OG Call

Duration: 2:41
User: n/a – Added: 5/3/10

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Watch Video Aryan Interest

Duration: 3:19
User: n/a – Added: 11/2/08

YouTube URL:

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Discussion Post 2Options Menu: Forum

In reflecting upon Fanon’s psychoanalysis in “The Man of Color and the White Woman,” and “The Woman of Color and the White Man,” in 4 paragraphs, address the following:

In what manners do black men and women become “whitened”, if at all? Be sure to cite examples Fanon draws upon, and offer your own examples based upon your own observations and experiences.

7 mins ago