Medias Question


For the last week this country and the world have been riveted to the Senate hearing on the nomination for Supreme Court Justice of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who has been accused of a drunken sexual attack on Dr. Christine Blassey Ford when they were both teenagers. Others have come forward with similar stories about Kavanaugh, and both Ford and Kavanaugh testified live before a global audience.

Your question here is both “Who do you believe?” AND “Why do you believe them?” Where are you getting your information from to make such a decision?

You should watch at least some of the testimony of last week, which will be easily available online.

Then you should select two (2) American sources of information on this, and two (2) non-American sources, and indicate what they think and say, then make your conclusion with an explanation of why you believe one or the other.

Essays should be 500-750 words, about two to three double space pages.

All essays must have a Bibliography clearly identifying all your sources!