Make a Business Report about selling Bubble Tea


Business Plans

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a small business owner. We will go through the process of planning for, funding, marketing, and running a small business. This project will end with the market, at which you’ll see your business in action as you buy, sell, trade, and experience commerce with your fellow business people.


-To work on your analytical, creative, and technical writing skills

-To practice writing to a specific audience and in a specific format

-To get a sense for what it’s like to plan and start a business

-To experience a micro-economy

-To gain some experience with marketing and business ownership


A close-to-real business plan that includes market research, a funding plan, a marketing plan, pricing scheme, promotional & marketing material, and supply information. Your plan needs:

-an executive summary, giving a snapshot/overview of your business (what you do, where you’ll set up, etc.)

-a funding plan (where your money will come from initially, eg: self-financed, bank, etc.)

marketing & pricing plan (how you will promote your business and price your goods/services)

-1 piece of promotional material (flyer, poster, commercial, giveaway item)

Business cards (1 for everyone in class and 1 for me, so 23 total)

Something to do on market day (merchandise to sell or trade, games, or a service)

-1,000-1,500 words

Timeline (flexible)

Day 1


-Go over the basics of writing a business plan

-Begin brainstorming ideas

At home

-Begin prewriting plan

Day 2


-Continue brainstorming

-Begin market research

At home

-Begin drafting plan

Day 3


-Continue, finish market research

-Get started on business cards & promotional material

At home

-Finish drafting plan

Day 4


-Peer edit business plans

At home

-Begin revising, work on promotional material

Day 5


-Promo day! Trade business cards, show off & give out your promotional material, and promote your business! Examples of promotional material include: flyers, prizes with your business info, and posters. Games and challenges during promo day are also highly encouraged.

At home

-Continue revising, prepare final draft

Day 6


-Market day! Buy, sell, trade, and play in the microeconomy.

At home

-Submit final draft of plan on Canvas by midnight

Requirements & Assessment

-Paper is 1,000-1,500, uses 12 pt font, 1.15-2x spaced throughout, with 1” margins (2 points)

-Business cards and promotional material are professional, and professionally made – notebook or printer paper won’t cut it! (4 points)

-Some sort of good or service is available for purchase (with fake money, of course,) on Market Day (4 points)

Content & Organization

-Prose is clear, appropriate for the audience, suitably formal (2 point)

-Executive Summary gives a clear view of your business (2 points)

-Marketing data is utilized effectively (2 points)

-Funding, Marketing, and Pricing plans are clear, well-researched and realistic (2 points)


-Mechanical Precision (free of errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax, context, format, text not justified) (2 points)