Investigation for protective services


This case focuses on the child abuse scenario from prior modules.

In this case a 13-year-old came to school with what seemed like paint staining the back of her pink sweat suit. The school nurse invited her into the office to change her clothes. When the girl took off her sweatpants, she winced in pain. The nurse asked her permission to look at her buttocks. It was beaten raw. Child Protective Services were called and the girl was placed in immediate protective custody.

You are the investigating CPS worker. You have already interviewed the girl’s mother and written a report (Module 5). You have also interviewed the girl and her father (Module 6). Now summarize your interview findings. In addition use any other helpful theory and concepts in your discussion such as memory theory or Root Cause Analysis.

Your inclination is to place the girl in protective custody until a final determination can be made. What are the pros and cons of this decision? How would you discuss the possible need for protective custody with her?
