Individual Project 4


You are on vacation in New York and ready to explore the downtown area. In the morning, you are walking down a very busy street and you see a man lying on the ground, shaking. Do you stop, or do you continue to walk by? You continue to walk down the street, and as you pass by an alley, you see a man and woman yelling loudly at each other. The man calls the woman a name and pushes her hard against a brick wall.

  • Would you try to help the person in either of these situations? Why or why not?
  • Would you be more likely to stop and help the people in the two situations if you saw other people helping? Why or why not?
  • What are some of the reasons why a bystander may not help out in these two situations? Relate this back to the bystander effect.
  • Is there anything that the woman in the second situation could do that would make a bystander more likely to help her? Explain.

  • 600 words in length
    Include at least 3 sources in your paper. Use in-text citations and a reference list according to APA style guidelines.
  • Instructor’s Comments:

    This week you will again the explore the concept and phenomenon of bystander apathy, this time considering two situations in which someone is in need of help. Discuss your thought processes in determining whether or not to help the man on the ground and the woman being physically assaulted. Would you be more likely to help one over the other? Why? Also, would you be more likely if other people were helping, and why? Be sure to refer to research on bystander apathy and cite your sources in your paper.A new item to consider is how can a person make others more likely to help them? Think about how you might get bystanders to help you if you were in danger or hurt. What can you do to get them to understand there is an emergency, that they are capable of helping, and that you may be harmed if no one else bothers to assist you? Again, please cite the theories we’ve learned about in your paper, as well as providing your personal thoughts.