Human Growth and Development – PSY-110 Midterm


Test 1- 10/16/18

Human Development & Growth


  • Short answers 1-15 sentences.
  • Will have 24 hours to submit…from the posted time (not the time you see it)
  • Open book and notes….(All slides will be posted on Canvas)
  • Emailed to:
  • REMEMBER: Think strong and creatively!!!!


  • Culture << I’M FROM SAUDI ARABIA >>
    • What is culture (in your own words)?
    • What are 5-6 cultures that you are apart of?
    • How are these cultures manifested (seen/used) in your daily life?
  • Genetic Disorders
    • Identify 2 genetic disorders and how EACH one is formed
    • Identify 5-6 characteristics for EACH disorder
    • Identify 3 treatment interventions for EACH disorder
  • History and Research
    • How do politics influence “history” and “research”
  • Natural Resources
    • How do natural resources (water, clean air, fresh veggies, etc.) impact child development from birth to 5 years old? Think creatively….think about parents, parenting, breastfeeding, physical development, attachment theory, etc.
  • Learning
    • How do most children (early childhood) learn?
    • What are the best conditions that are rooted in trust vs mistrust (Erickson) and attachment (Bowlby)
  • Developmental Characteristics
    • What are 5-6 physical, language, and social characteristics of a 5 year old?
    • How do they vary from a 4 year old?
    • Why would they need these specific characteristics to be successful in a school in the US?
    • Why would they need these specific characteristics to be successful in a rural area in a 3rd world country?
  • A Day in the Life video
    • From the video that we watched on the 1st day of class, which scene stood out to you the most? Why?
    • Which developmental factors were present?
  • Breastfeeding
    • How does nursing impact brain development & attachment in a child?
  • Support Groups
    • How do social interactions and support groups impact parenting, parental decision-making, and childhood development (specifically language and social development)?
  • Gender Stereotypes
    • What changes in gender-stereotyped beliefs and gender identity occur during middle childhood?