hist121 forum3


Department standards require that your initial post be at least 250 words long each week. You must respond to at least three of your classmates’ initial posts (threads under your own post are not eligible for credit). Each of your peer responses must be at least 125 words long. Short posts will not be eligible for full credit. Your initial posts are due by 11:55 pm ET on Thursday night. Your peer responses are due by 11:55 pm ET on Sunday night. Late work will be graded in accordance with department policy, as follows:

  • Work posted or submitted after the assignment due date will be reduced by 10% of the potential total score possible for each day late up to a total of five days, including forum posts/replies, quizzes, and assignments. Beginning on the sixth day late through the end of the course, late work, including forum posts/replies, quizzes, and assignments, will be accepted with a grade reduction of 50% of the potential total score earned.

Please choose one of the following questions to answer in your initial post. When responding to your classmates, you must respond to at least one person who chose a different question than you did. If all of your posts address the same question, you will not receive credit for one of your peer responses.

1. The spread of Greek culture is referred to as Hellenization. The spread of Roman culture is known simply as Romanization. What was the opinion of non-Greeks and non-Romans who found themselves exposed to these influential cultures? Were the processes viewed positively or negatively in their own historical contexts? Was one process more successful than the other? Why or why not?

2. The textbook suggests that the Romans were proud of the fact that their origin stories centered on tales of violence and honor. It outlines, for example, the myths of Romulus and Remus and of the rape and suicide of Lucretia. Why would such seemingly negative stories be points of pride for the Romans? How did these origins and the pride the Romans took in them impact Roman society? Was the impact positive or negative? Why?

3. One popular theme for historical discussions of ancient Rome is its decline. Historians have not reached a consensus on a specific date to mark this downfall. Based on what you’ve learned, what specific date would you choose? Why?

4. In 285 AD, Emperor Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into two halves. Ultimately, one continued to be called the Roman Empire, while the other (in the East) came to be known as the Byzantine Empire. Did this decision help or hurt the Roman Empire as a whole? Had the division not been enacted, do you think the Roman Empire would have “fallen” sooner or later than it did? Why?