Four History of Theatre I Questions


They must be *at least* a full, well-structured, paragraph with topic sentence, detailed supporting evidence, and a brief conclusion. It is expected that you will make specific, substantive references to the relevant texts. Aristophanes’ *Lysistrata* seems in many respects subversive of the social order of classical Greece, but how does this seemingly subversive play reinforce the traditional values of Greek society instead? Use specific examples from the play and/or class readings to support your opinions. Why is Seneca’s play called *Thyestes* and not *Atreus*? What would be the basis for viewing Medea as a sympathetic figure? Using brief discussions of key characteristics (such as the role of the dramatic text, acting styles, music, dance, costuming, audiences, stage design, social role, origins, etc.) compare and contrast Classical Chinese Theater either with Greek Theater or with Roman Theater).