evaluating a humanistic person centered approach

Last week, you learned about humanistic/person-centered theories. This week thus far, you have read about, seen, and heard clinicians use a humanistic/person-centered theoretical orientation, or approach, with a client. In this Discussion, you are asked to consider the strengths and weaknesses of using a humanistic/person-centered approach with a specific client.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review the readings, including Client Profile 3: Patrick, and media segments for this week.
• Consider what kind of client might be best served by a humanistic/person-centered approach.
• Think about how a humanistic/person-centered approach might work with Patrick from Client Profile 3.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief summary of the strengths and weaknesses of using a humanistic/person-centered approach in working with Patrick. Be sure to provide evidence to support your decision.


Corey, G. (2009). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy (8thed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Case study:

Name:PatrickGender:MaleAge: 33

Ethnicity: CaucasianReligion: None

Relationship Status: Divorced

Description of Presenting Issue:

Patrick is a firefighter who was present at the September 11 collapse of the World Trade Center. Several of his colleagues were killed on that day despite Patrick’s heroic efforts to rescue them. Patrick received serious burns and has scars on his face and arms. Since September 11, he has experienced considerable anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and hyper vigilance, as well as intrusive and recurrent images of the towers collapsing. He has found it difficult to fight fires in tall buildings since that time and has become detached from his work. This has left him feeling very isolated because his colleagues at the fire station are his only friends. Patrick has been a loner as long as he can remember. Although he often fantasizes about having close friends, he is fearful that others would reject him if they came to know him well, and so he tends to reject others before they have the chance to reject him. He views himself as having poor social skills and rarely risks meeting new people.

Occupation History: Patrick became a firefighter in his early twenties. Prior to September 11th, he was very happy with his career choice.

Education History: Patrick graduated high school with honors. He briefly considered military service upon graduation, but was eager to begin work as a firefighter.

Medical History: Aside from the injuries suffered at work, Patrick is in good health. He maintains a regular exercise regime for his job.

Family History: Patrick had an older brother who was killed in an automobile accident when Patrick was 6. His parents divorced shortly after the death of his brother, and his mother remarried a man who had two daughters from a previous marriage. Patrick married shortly after high school graduation, but the relationship ended the subsequent year due to mutual dissatisfaction with the marriage. He is not currently dating.

Alcohol / Substance Use:Patrick drinks 3–4 times per week, 3–5 drinks per occasion. He does not smoke or use illegal substances.