English W170, Essay 3: Research-based and Inquiry Driven Analysis


1,500-1,800 words, plus MLA-formatted Works Cited page

Sources:Your test object from SW3 4 secondary sources from SW3, including at least two peer-reviewed articles and at least one course essay

Total Points: 300

Due Dates: Introduction and body paragraph draft (2 copies) due T 12-4; individual meetings TR 12-6 and T 12-11; final draft due TR 12-13

The Assignment

Write an essay that leads your reader through an evolving thesis about how your test object uses the Devil to represent an issue, context, or phenomenon. This essay should be a response to the Inquiry Question that has guided your research throughout the unit. The essay should present an analysis of visual or textual details (depending on the format of your chosen object) and use secondary sources as lenses to further this analysis. Put your secondary sources in conversation by considering how they illuminate the test object in different ways; remember, however, that the purpose of this essay is for you to persuade your reader toward a certain understanding of what the Devil represents in your test object. Conclude your essay with a compelling claim that has evolved and become more complex over the course of the essay.