English Project


During the course, you learned about yourself as a reader. You have also learned some helpful academic reading strategies. In this lesson you will complete your Final Reading Project. Your Final Reading Project will demonstrate what you have learned during the course. Guidelines for your final project options are listed in the Instruction section of this lesson. Don’t forget to proofread the project before you submit it.

Readings, Resources, and Assignment
Required Readings

Review relevant information from online lessons as needed to complete the final project.

Required Assignments

Final Project: See the Instruction section of the lesson for more details.

Focusing Your Learning

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Apply strategies for content area reading.

This lesson maps to the following course competencies:

  1. Apply study reading strategies to college level material.
  2. Navigate college Learning Management System (LMS) to succeed in web-enhanced, hybrid, and online classes.


For your RDG100 Final Project you will closely examine yourself as a reader. Look at where you started 8 lessons ago and where you are now. You will share all that you learned. The following pie chart describes the topics covered in the course:

Final Chart

At the beginning of the course we learned about you, the reader. There are things that you bring to the reading process. Next, we learned that there are preparations you need to make before you start reading the text: Pre-Reading Strategies.

While you are reading the text you need to be actively involved in the process using During Reading Strategies. Finally, in order to reinforce the information that you just read, you need to employ some After Reading Strategies.

Final Project

For the final project you will discuss you, the reader and what you need to do before, during, and after you read. You can choose to present the information in one of the following formats:

  1. A PowerPoint or a Prezi
  2. A video
  3. A paper

Guidelines for each choice are below.

Option 1: PowerPoint or Prezi

In this option, you will demonstrate your understanding of the strategies presented within the course. Referring to the pie chart above, discuss what you bring to the reading and the before, during, and after reading strategies that you will use to comprehend college reading material. Refer back to the online lessons as needed.

For this option you will show what you know by presenting the information in the form of a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation.

If you do not have access to PowerPoint presentation software, you can use one of these free alternatives: Google Drive Slides or OpenOffice’s Impress. Both of these alternatives can save files as PowerPoint documents.

If you need help working with any of these programs, please refer to the following:

For any questions you may have on creating a Prezi, review this video: Making a Prezi. If you create a Prezi, you will need to submit the URL to your instructor. Place in bold letters at the bottom of the Prezi section.

The project must contain a minimum of 15 slides up to a maximum of 20 slides. You must do more than simply list the topics learned on each slide. You need to discuss the main points of the topic in your own words and provide examples of these strategies.

During the course, you learned that you need to have a purpose for doing something. One of your first slides should explain the purpose for the PowerPoint or Prezi. Be creative. Ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish in this project, and who do I want to have as my audience?

Since summarizing helps to comprehend information, here is a summary of the presentation requirements:

  • The project must include 15 to 20 slides.
  • Slides must discuss main points of the topic.
  • Slides must provide examples of the strategies presented in the course.
  • One of the early slides must state your purpose and audience.

Option 2: Video Presentation

In this project option, you will demonstrate your understanding of the strategies presented within the course. Referring to the pie chart above, discuss what you bring to the reading and the before, during, and after reading strategies that you will use to comprehend college reading material. Refer back to the online lessons as needed.

For this option you will show what you know by presenting the information in the form of a video, using examples to demonstrate the reading strategies. The video should be a minimum of 5 minutes up to a maximum of 8 minutes in length.

Here are two sites you can refer to when creating your video demonstration:

During this course, you learned that you need to have a purpose for doing something. You need to state the purpose for the video near the beginning. Be creative. Ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish in this project, and who is my audience?

Since summarizing helps to comprehend information, here is a summary of the video demonstration requirements:

  • You must state the purpose and audience for the video at the beginning.
  • Video should be 5 minutes to 8 minutes in length.
  • Video must discuss main points of the topic.
  • Video must provide examples of the strategies presented in the course.

Option 3: Paper

In this project option, you will demonstrate your understanding of the strategies presented within the course. Referring to the pie chart above, discuss what you bring to the reading and the before, during, and after reading strategies that you will use to comprehend college reading material. Refer back to the online lessons as needed.

For this option you will show what you know by presenting the information in the form of a 4–5 page double-spaced paper (approximately 1400 to 1600 words) formatted in MLA style and proofread/spellchecked before submitting.

During this course, you learned that you need to have a purpose for doing something. You must state the purpose for your paper at the beginning. Be creative. Ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish in this project, and who is my audience?

Since summarizing helps to comprehend information, here is a summary of the paper requirements:

  • The purpose and audience must be stated within the first paragraph of the paper.
  • This paper should be formatted in MLA style PDF.
  • Paper must provide examples of the strategies presented in the course.
  • Paper must be clearly written in well-organized paragraphs.
  • Paper must be proofread and spellchecked before being submitted.

Assessing Your Learning

Final Project. Develop a final project using guidelines presented in the lesson. Your work will be assessed by the following criteria:

Grading Criteria Points

Content: Project used specific examples to identify strategies that were complete, accurate and comprehensive based on the course content.


Organization: Project was clearly organized so that ideas were easy to follow and understand.


Conventions: Writing is clear with few grammar and spelling mistakes.


Framework: Project purpose was clearly stated. Minimum length requirements for project were met (i.e., words/paper; slides/ppt/Prezi; time/video).


Total Possible Points


To submit this assignment to your instructor, you will need to

select the link below and upload your project file. If you create an

online video, you will need to submit the URL to your instructor in a

Microsoft Word document. If you created a Prezi , you will need to

provide the URL in a Word document and submit to your instructor.