DQ 1/2 student responses
Answer DQ 1 & DQ2 and respond to students responses.
This is from the professor about the prior DQ you have answered for week 1-3, please adjust answering according to the professor.
“You are expected to find your own research articles to support your DQ arguments. Citing articles assigned or articles listed in the assigned readings, whether articles or the textbook, do not count.
Most of your responses are hitting key points. You simply need to go a bit more in specifying how you would implement certain ideas. Otherwise, you just need to support arguments with empirical research you find and cite sources correctly.”
Wk 5 DQ 1
Wk 5 DQ 2
At your workplace, what specific recommendations would you offer to improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment? Do not focus solely on your job or department. Take an organization-wide view. While you do not have to disclose your specific employer, please provide enough detail for us to understand the context of your response. Support your answer with empirical research.
I am in the Military (Navy)
Respond to Student responses below:
In order for an organization to increase job satisfaction and positive attitudes from their workers, they must first understand how attitudes operate and what influences them (Pinder, 2008). According to Eagly and Chaiken (1993), attitudes are expressed according to the degree of favor of a specific entity or situation. Also, according to Olson and Zanna (1993), attitudes involve an evaluative component. They typically don’t form until an evaluation is made of something that causes the rise of an attitude. Attitudes could be a link between belief structures and knowledge structures which means that an attitude can trigger a mental occurrence. Attitudes also entail cognitive, emotional/affective, and behavior components (Olson & Zanna, 1993). Pratkanis and Greenwalk (1989) claim that attitudes help with the interpretation and explanation of social events, they can place biases upon the expectation that we may have regarding people or things, they can have an influence on our acceptance or denial of outcomes, they can influence the thought-processes of an individual to make them believe that others have similar attitudes or that their attitude is more widely held, and it can lead to selective recollections about the past and influence predictions about the future.
The attitude of the individual towards the workplace has an impact on their satisfaction of the job. This means that the attitude must be altered for job satisfaction to rise. Building morale in the workplace is a big way that the attitude can be changed from negative to positive. This can be done by redesigning jobs by incorporating variety, detailing the purpose and pride of the job, giving more responsibility instead of more tasks, and giving employees freedom to grow (Bruce, 2003). Providing creative benefits would also help increase job satisfaction and workplace morale. Examples of this could be job rotations, no dress codes, no titles or the choice of titles, accumulation of vacation time, and free coffee and lunch/dinner when time allows (Bruce, 2003). Understanding the needs and concerns of the employees is also important because it lets them know that they are in a caring environment and that the line of communication is open. Lastly, training is much needed because it lets employees know that they are worth the investment, it gives precise information on what is expected and development opportunities, and it allows communication of change and other aspects (Bruce, 2003).
Bruce, A. (2003). Building a high morale workplace(Briefcase book). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Eagly, A .H., & Chaiken, S. (1993). The psychology of attitudes. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Olson, J. M. & Zanna, M. P. (1993) Attitudes and attitude change. Annual review of Psychology, 44(1), 117-154.
Pinder, C. C. (2008). Work motivation in organizational behavior (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press
Pratkanis, A. R., & Greenwald, A. G. (1989). A sociocognitive model of attitude structure and function. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 22, 245-285.
I have attached notes for this weeks reading