Discussion Post


  • u06d1] Unit 6 Discussion 1


    Robert Enright describes forgiveness as giving up your right to resentment, negative judgment, and indifference toward someone who has hurt you (as cited in Lopez, Pedrotti, & Snyder, 2015, p. 306). Staying angry and resentful with someone who has hurt you serves a protective function. As long as you maintain your emotional shield of anger there is less chance of the person being able to hurt you again. Forgiveness means dropping the shield of anger, letting go, and leaving yourself exposed to being hurt again.

    • How is forgiveness a character strength of temperance?
    • What is the personal benefit to you in forgiving another person?
    • Are there any circumstances under which it is better to not forgive another who has harmed you? Explain.

    Be sure to incorporate course readings and resources into your discussion.

    Response Guidelines

    Respond to the posts of at least two other learners. Responses should be thoughtful, respectful, and move the discussion forward by asking questions or offering different perspectives. Incorporate course resources into your discussion as appropriate.


    Lopez, S. J., Pedrotti, J. T., & Snyder, C. R. (2015). Positive psychology: The scientific and practical explorations of human strengths (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


  • Toggle Drawer

    [u06d2] Unit 6 Discussion 2


    Self-regulation (self-control, self-discipline) addresses the ability to say “no” (as when tempted to go off a diet) and the ability to say “yes” (as when getting out of a warm bed on a cold morning). Like a muscle, the capacity for self-regulation becomes depleted with use, so if you are practicing self-regulation (dieting, anger management, creating new good habits) then you may feel exhausted before the end of the day. Delaying gratification is an important version of self-regulation, especially for online learners who are tempted by outside distractions.

    • How is self-regulation a character strength of temperance?
    • What are some of the personal benefits of developing or improving your self-regulation?
    • What are some of the areas in which you could benefit from strengthening your self-regulation character strength, and what strategies might be helpful to you?

    Response Guidelines

    Respond to the posts of at least two other learners. Responses should be thoughtful, respectful, and move the discussion forward by asking questions or offering different perspectives. Incorporate course resources into your discussion as appropriate.
