
Can there be a universal legal standard that disallows the use of child soldiers? How can we get everyone to agree on the repercussions and consequences of the use of child soldiers in battle? Since we cannot do so universally, what can be done to improve the DDR program across the globe. Focus on the use of child soldiers in Sri Lankan Civil War (LTTE and govt., Kashmir, Sudan, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone during their civil wars and both sides of the battle using child soldiers. Can there be a universal DDR program? (Possible Thesis)

Using 20 sources (10 textbooks from class, 10 outside sources) plus case studies and policy recommendations, Compare and contrast the DDR programs put in place in the United States to the rest of the globe with focus on Sri Lankan Civil War (LTTE and govt., Kashmir, Sudan, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone during their civil wars and both sides of the battle that used child soldiers.


-1st page: Paper Title + Name (That’s It)

-2nd page: Abstract: About 150 words: Main thesis(argument), theory, findings, policy recommendations

-3rd page: Introduction: (At least one page), Main thesis/argument, use subject in intro, something people know


Literature Review (At least 2 pages): choose 20 previous studies/references directly related to your topic then review (can use the 10 books + 10 outside sources). At the end of Lit Review, must state what’s missing, some gap, ‘All these articles are missing this one thing,’

Theory Section: (At least 3 pages), Theoretical Argument: Excuse for your point

Empirical Evidence: (At least 5 pages) Cases or statistical analysis, how are you going to back it up? Use at least 3 case studies to back up your excuse/your theory.


(One Page), conclude what you have done, then make the policy recommendation, like you did in your abstract, but elaborate.

Reference Page: (At least 20 references), cite off of International Studies Quarterly style (10 textbooks from class, and 10 outside sources.)

10 textbooks from class:

-Shapiro, Jacob. 2013. The Terrorist’s Dilemma. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

-Rosen, David. 2012. Child Soldiers. Santa Babara: ABC-CLIO.

-Staniland, Paul. 2014. Networks of Rebellion. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

-Singer, P.W. 2006. Children at War. Berkeley: University of California Press.

-Özerdem, Alpaslan and Sukanya Podder. Eds. 2011. Child Soldiers: From Recruitment to Reintegration. New York: Palgrave.

-Wessells, Michael. 2006. Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

-Honwana, Alcindi. 2006. Child Soldiers in Africa. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

-Jal, Emmanuel. 2009. War Child. New York: St. Martin’s.

-Beah, Ishmael. 2007. A Long Way Gone. New York: Sarah Crichton Books.

-McDonnell, Faith and Grace Akallo. 2007. Girl Soldier. Grand Rapids: Chosen.

Hints for research paper:

-Use lit review throughout paper

-Every sentence should have a citation, unless it’s your own idea.

-In text citation, end of sentence, then use (last name, publication year)

-Direct quotation: In Quotation marks (Last name, year, page number)

-Use footnote for extra explanation (not required, but works)

-International Studies Quarterly (journal articles, very accurate)

-Each sentence should come with citation

-I love you, you love me, get married and have a happily ever after style: use logic

-Subsections needed – Title subsections – such as for Lit Review, Abstract use title, aka can literally use the name Lit Review as the subsection title for the Lit Review itself, Abstract as the subsection title for the Abstract, etc. and so on.