Disability and the media essay


Using the techniques discussed in chapters 1-7 in EAA, write a paper, MLA formatted, with at least three critical references (taken from your textbook or an academic website), 2-3 pages in length, in which you make an argument responding to the prompt below. Your topic will be drawn from one of the essays in Chapter 23, “How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?”


This chapter explores how the media stereotypes many categories of Americans, especially minorities, and identity groups (gender, cultural, race and sexuality, for example); and in most cases the readings suggest that stereotypes can lead to harmful interactions.

Write an essay in which you examine media stereotypes and their potential consequences. How do TV programs, films, and other media portray identity groups? Do you find overwhelming examples of negative stereotypes? Provide specific examples from shows, films or other media and popular culture. What do other media writers say about negative representations of these groups? Qualify your claims by citing specific examples, rather than dealing in vague generalities. Your examples should be drawn from media (Television shows, film, advertisements, and the internet). One of the primary concerns your paper should address is the effects that these representations have upon the identity groups, and society as a whole.

Research and Length

The minimum length will be 500-750 words, or 2-3 pages and must include at least three support references from your text and/or an academic database (Use the journals in the Palm Beach State online library), and a sufficient number of detailed examples, and references.


  • Be sure to use in-text citations for ALL quotes and examples from the text. In addition, you MUST have a Works Cited page at the end of your paper.
  • ALL assignments must be submitted in proper MLA format. For help with MLA style guidelines, read Chapter 22 in EAA and visit the Purdue OWL website and search for MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/. The MLA section of The Little Seagull Handbook is also a useful resource if you purchased it.