Deviance Hunting Ground


The Hunting Ground (2015) – I Found The film online here –

For this opportunity students will discuss the film; The Hunting Ground (2015).

Students will research a minimum of 2 academic (peer reviewed) article (s) about rape

on college campuses, and will utilize concepts and or theories from Henslin. (Chapter 6,

Deviance, or Chapter 10, Gender).

What information in the film is thematic in the academic research you read? Discuss

your understanding of campus rape/and date rape, now that you have put in work. What

do you know now, that you did not prior? How will you apply your knowledge once the

semester ends to help educate your fellow peers and community? What are your

recommendations for college campuses in terms of educating the student body

regarding rape and sexual assault?

Date Rape, and “Blaming the Victim” should be discussed.

The paper should be 1 page, single spaced with 12-point font. Include a cover sheet,

reference sheet (Include film, research article (s), and textbook (Henslin) Include in-text

citations for all quotes and paraphrased work.

papers that rely heavily on an internet source, without proper credit, will

receive a ZERO. If you select this prompt, be sure to watch the film. It is important, in

particular for college students.