Cultural Identity Autobiography Summary



  • Brief Introduction
  • Critical Life Incident/Event (See Questions to Get You Thinking) – key event or important (“aha”) moment that reflect your cultural self. (See Questions to Get You Thinking on Assignment)
  • Dimensions of Cultural Identity (Gender, race, class, sexual orientation, citizenship, religion, physical/mental ability, other.(See Hyde, 2012, Table A3.1) – Examination of two aspects of cultural identity in regards to domination (privilege/power) and/or subordination (oppression) – Gender, race, class, sexual orientation, citizenship, religion, physical/mental ability, other. (Hyde, 2012, Table A3.1)
  • Implications for My Social Work Practice (See Hyde, 2012, Table A3.2) – Discussion as to how this dimension of your cultural identity will shape your social work practice. What have you learned from this autobiography that will inform your practice?
    (Hyde, 2012, Table A3.2)
  • Brief Conclusion