Criminal Justice UWEX Offender Reentry Programs


Use the Abstract Guidelines listed in this week’s Learning Resources, to create your abstract, and then post the one-page abstract of your Prospectus as an attachment to your Discussion.

Read a selection of your at least two of your colleagues’ postings, reviewing their abstracts. Constructive criticism may not be something you have learned to embrace, yet being open to criticism is vital to navigating through the Dissertation process. You will receive it at every step in your Dissertation process. This iterative process is how you create, develop, and improve your Dissertation until it is in final form.

Alignment: To what extent does one section lead naturally to another? In what way are the research questions likely to answer the research problem? How does the purpose relate to the research problem? Are the required sections in the correct order? Explain your rationale for each response. Use the Abstract Guidelines as your outline. If you see something out of place or not related to other sections, point that out and offer suggestions of how to improve the document.

Writing: To what extent is the writing clear and concise? How accurate is the writing in using appropriate grammar and sentence structure? How coherent and logical is the entire abstract? What would help you to understand the details of the research without further questions? What is needed for each section of the abstract to be complete and understandable?

This assignment is the first draft of the prospectus, and should be as complete as possible. First, review the Abstract Guidelines, Dissertation Prospectus Guide, Prospectus Exemplars, and all other Dissertation Resources.

Then revise and edit your Prospectus draft where required, and submit Draft 1