


Research four correctional institutions in the field of corrections you are interested in. (drug treatment centers, juvenile detentions centers, adult facilities, intermediate sanction facilities). If you are undecided on any specific field you may research one of each. What are the missions of each institution? Are their similarities and differences? Describe the programs available to the offenders. Discuss their success, or lack of.

This paper should be submitted electronically and consist of 1,200 to 1,400 words.


  1. Use APA format for this typed paper. If you are unfamiliar with APA format, you may check out this site, which has excellent tools for your paper.
  2. Plagiarism is unacceptable. See the plagiarism guide you have been given for more details and cite all or any references.
  3. Maintain college-level English language proficiency.
  4. A title page and references are required. Cite all references.