Case Conceptualization Paper Instructions, Case Study, Submission Links


Instructions & Outline for the Case Conceptualization Paper


For this paper, you must complete a case conceptualization using the fictional case study located in a separate file in Blackboard (Case Conceptualization…content folder).Your job is to render a diagnosis, offer a conceptualization of the case, and discuss treatment in any two settings covered in this course.As part of your paper, you must incorporate six (6) empirical articles that are cited and referenced in APA style to support your thoughts about the methods that might be used for this client in any two treatment settings of your choice.In other words, you will use three (3) articles for one setting and three (3) articles for the other setting.Note that these articles cannot be be more than 10 years old .So, only use articles published between 2008-2018 Articles used as supplemental readings in this course cannot be used for this paper.

In terms of mechanics, your paper should be 5-7 pages long (double-spaced, 1” margins) not including the title page and reference page.APA style is expected; however, an abstract is not required. The due date is in the syllabus and on Blackboard.This is turned in via the links in Blackboard.Only documents formatted in Microsoft Word will be accepted.Do not submit pdfs, etc.The grading matrix for this assignment is as follows:


Available Points

Thoroughness of client’s diagnostic profile


Diagnostic rule out #1


Diagnostic rule out #2


Thoroughness of conceptualization

Your ability to tie together the details of the client’s history and presenting concerns into a diagnostic picture with fitting treatment ideas.


Treatment setting #1: Description

Description of methods, techniques, etc.


Treatment setting #1: Article Integration

Integration of 3 empirical articles


Treatment setting #2: Description

Description of methods, techniques, etc.


Treatment setting #2: Article Integration

Integration of 3 empirical articles




Spelling, grammar, and formatting


Correct type of articles and use of APA style


Total Points


Outline for Paper

In an effort to standardize the process, you are required to use the headings depicted below when organizing/writing your paper.I would suggest copying the format below into a Word document and filling in the content areas.Just be sure to set it for double spacing and put the headings in APA style.I have included some suggestions for each of the content areas. Lastly, please remember that this is not a group project.All submitted work is subject to a plagiarism check via TurnItIn, which will compare your work to that of other individuals, including students in this course.Action will be taken on papers that are not reflective of one’s own work.

Diagnosis(es) with codes

Using your DSM-5, indicate what diagnosis(es) you would give this client.Be sure to give examples from the case to support the symptom profile and subsequent diagnosis(es). In other words, how do you know the client meets the diagnostic criteria?This should be written in a narrative format.Do not simply list symptoms with an example.In addition, many diagnoses have overlapping symptoms, so you must explain your rule out process.For this paper, you must discuss two (2) rule outs.Do not simply state which two disorders you ruled out.You must explain why they were considered (i.e., how they are similar to the final diagnosis/symptom overlap) and how you were able to distinguish them from the final diagnosis (i.e., what ruled them out/symptom discrepancy).


This is where you put the historical information and the diagnosis(es) together to explain how the client reached this point in life – in other words, the etiology of the disorder(s) (i.e., explain what factors in the client’s life contributed to the condition).You should also discuss the factors that maintain the current condition. Remember to address any developmental and cultural considerations as well. Feel free to include theories/models/concepts from your human development course.

Treatment Setting #1

Based upon what you know about the client’s strengths and areas of challenge, along with the diagnostic considerations and conceptualization, describe how you envision treatment in any one treatment setting we have covered in class.Explain why you feel this setting is a good fit for the client’s needs.Be sure to include the treatment goals, how those would be achieved in this setting, and how efficacy would be measured.Also include information on the types of techniques that would be used in this setting and how/why they would benefit this client.Be detailed in your response and remember to incorporate any developmental and cultural considerations into your plan.

Treatment Setting #2

Do the same as above but for a different treatment setting.


This section should be two paragraphs.In the first paragraph, offer a conclusion of your conceptualization and treatment ideas.In the second paragraph, offer thoughts on what you learned from this exercise.