Case Analysis Paper 2


min 8 pages


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • All readings to date
  • Lectures (all from Weeks 1-6)
  • Lists of terrorist events:

The Global Terrorism Database (GTD)

The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism—START

Terrorism Incidents at the Open Directory Project

Terrorist Attacks on Americans

Selected terrorist attacks and related incidents worldwide

  • Independent research (various resources for background research on the subject of your profile; minimum of 2 peer-reviewed resource for theoretical perspectives)


The rationale for this activity is the activation of course knowledge with a real-world application of psychology of terrorism.

Activity Instructions

This assignment is designed as an exercise in case conceptualization to develop your skill in reviewing and assessing the impact of an actual terrorist event. The task is to present a comprehensive formulation which integrates etiology, theory, and research, as they apply to a specific event.

Choose one of the terrorists events provided in the following links or in the handouts for this activity, or obtain approval for an event not listed:

The Global Terrorism Database (GTD)

The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism—START

Terrorism Incidents at the Open Directory Project

Terrorist Attacks on Americans

Selected terrorist attacks and related incidents worldwide

In a written report explain the following (use as headings in your paper):

  1. Briefly summarize the background of the event person & groups members involved (if applies) and a description of terrorist activities or acts.
  2. The external or environmental factors (social) that might be relevant in the etiology of the individual’s behavior.
  1. The different psychological concepts or perspectives in your readings or independent research which might be applicable to this particular event and how they apply to persons impacted by the event. You can choice one (or more) theory and apply it to the case (e.g. psychology concepts, diagnosis and/or research-“the impact of the event was serve likely causing much PTSD in survivors and inflicting further psychological reactions to the general population). See readings or research and links for theory suggestions).
    1. References are expected for this case paper, but watch use of web-page citations. Research articles and books as references will help you get more points. Wikipedia and like web sites are not acceptable references in an academic paper. One can use web-sites provided or government web-sites for the background research on the (subject) in your profile—but theory section references should be from good peer-reviewed references such as an academic book or articles (including readings and out journal articles or books).
    2. Remember these papers are to answer the question of “WHAT” and “HOW” did this event have impact? What was the outcome? What were the critical psychological events or processes that occurred as a result?.
  2. What preventative actions or reactions after the fact would make a difference in the impact of this event? Be sure to cite relevant literature if possible (hint: look at course articles for week 5).

To complete this assignment, you will need to be concise in covering each of the above a area five items.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Minimum of 8 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page with topic and name of student
  • References page (various resources for background research on the subject of your profile; minimum of 2 peer-reviewed resource for theoretical perspectives)
  • No abstract needed