art unit 11 lab questions



Sphinx of Taharqo

  1. Describe the “Sphinx of Taharqo”.
  2. What is the political context for this piece of art?
  3. How does this sphinx differ from the Egyptian sphinx?

Ife Head

  1. Describe the Ife head.
  2. What elements or principles of art does the piece use?
  3. What is the importance of this piece?

Benin Plaque

  1. Describe the Benin plaque.
  2. What is the context for this piece?

TABLE Grading Rubric

Full credit Partial Credit No credit
Sphinx of Taharqo (30%)

Student gives complete, accurate answers that describe the Sphinx of Taharqo, its political context, and how it compares to the Egyptian Sphinx.

Student’s answers are not complete or contain incorrect information; or, not all questions are answered.

Student does not provide answers to any of the questions.

Ife Head (30%)

Student gives complete, accurate answers that describe the Ife Head, its importance, and the principles of art it uses.

Student’s answers are not complete or contain incorrect information; or, not all questions are answered.

Student does not provide answers to any of the questions.

Benin Plaque (30%)

Student gives complete, accurate answers that describe the Benin Plaque and its historical context.

Student’s answers are not complete or contain incorrect information; or, not all questions are answered.

Student does not provide answers to any of the questions.

Grammar and mechanics (10%)

Student demonstrates command of standard English conventions, such as capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Student has minor conventional flaws in writing, but they do not impede overall understanding.

Student’s writing has many grammatical or mechanical flaws which impede communication.