Art History Stonehenge, England PowerPoint


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. OBSERVATION: “What do you see?”

A. Identification

_____ 1. Who is the artist, artisan, or possible creator of this artwork? What is the artwork’s name or title? If it was commissioned, who commissioned it?

_____ 2. When was it created? Where was it created? Where does it reside now?

_____ 3. How large or small is the artwork? What materials were used?

B. Subject Matter

_____ 1. Can you identify any recognizable objects? Describe them. Where are they in the image? Are there free forms? Are people shown to you? What are they doing? Is a time, place, or event shown?

C. Art Elements

_____ 1. What kind of colors do you see? Describe them. Where do you see them? How are they used?

_____ 2. What kind of lines do you see? Describe them. Where do you see them? How are they used?

_____ 3. What kind of shapes or forms do you see? Describe them. Where do you see them? How are they used?

_____ 4. What kind of texture do you see? Describe them. Where do you see them? How are they used?

_____ 5. Are there opened and closed spaces in the work? What takes up the most space in the work? If it is a two-dimensional work of art (flat), is there the illusion of three-dimensional space?

______6. Is value an important part of the artwork? Are there little or no changes in value? (This refers to value in terms of the lightness or darkness found in the artwork, and not monetary value or importance.)

II. ANALYSIS: “How is it arranged?”

_____ A. Emphasis and Variety: Where is the focus? How doest the artist make this area stand out? Does another color, shape, space, or texture make it stand out? What are the differences in each element? Is there a wide variety of colors, lines, shapes, textures? Is there little variety?

_____ B. Rhythm and Movement: Do you see pattern or repetition in this artwork? What has the artist/artisan used to create that effect? Does it make your eye move around the picture?

C. Balance: Is the picture/artwork balanced? Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical? Has the artist used color, shape, or space to create the balance?

_____ D. Proportion: This refers to the size of the parts to the whole. How do you describe the proportionate relationships in the artwork? Are they distorted? Elongated? Exaggerated?

_____ E. Unity: Unity is the feeling of the image “holding together.” Is the picture or artwork unified? What elements has the artist used to create

III. INTERPRETATION: “What does it mean?”

A. Emotional Response
_____ 1. What mood or feeling seems to be expressed in this artwork (if any)? Does it seem quiet? Happy? Powerful?

_____ 2. What in the work makes you think this?

_____ 3. Does the work express or remind you of some experiences you might have had, seen, heard, or read about?

B. Purpose and Meaning

_____ 1. What is the purpose of the work – to praise, criticize, predict, entertain, record, celebrate, narrate, propagandize, memorialize, etc.? Was it created for reasons of beauty, propaganda, or spiritual, historical, or moral reasons?

_____ 2. What are the ideas, meanings, and concepts of the work? How are they revealed? Does the work use symbols, signs, or representations to show the meaning?

_____ 3. Does the work represent or symbolize something about the time in which it was produced?

C. Artists’ or Artisans’ Intentions

_____ 1. How do you think the artist/artisan was influenced by the world in which she/he lived?

_____ 2. Does the artist say in accompanying written information about his/her intent? (This is not always applicable.) How do you think the artist/artisan/builder might expect you to react to the work?

IV. JUDGMENT: “Is it significant?”

_______A. What do you see in the work to help you judge it as good or not so good?

_______B. Is the artwork important because of what it means? Why? Is the artwork important because of what it does? Why? Why, if at all, might the artwork be important?

_______C. What personal meaning or social significance do you judge the work to have?

research and create a PowerPoint presentation about an artwork or art form of your choice. You must include a description, analysis, interpretation, judgment, and images of this artwork or art form. This PowerPoint slide show should be created with the intent of using it as a teaching tool.Need

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  • Spread your information evenly throughout the slide show.
  • Do not overload slides with too much information or underload them with too little.
  • Present your slides in a sequence that makes sense and give each slide a header or title.
  • Edit your project to make sure all spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization is correct.
  • Make sure that the type and font is large enough and easy to read.
  • Make sure a citation page is included and is formatted correctly.