art history homework 53 questions


Week 3 Homework (Chapter 2)

Due: Sep 16, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following five prompts after reading Chapter 2 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 2 PowerPoint. Please base your responses on information found in the assigned readings and on the images included in the PowerPoint. You must phrase your responses in your own words. If you quote from the textbook, please keep it to a minimum and include quotation marks and (Kleiner, page # or section title) at the end of the sentence/paragraph. Each response should be roughly a paragraph or two. You can single or double-space your responses.

1. The Warka Vase (Figure 2-1) is considered to be the earliest (known) example of a narrative relief. First explain what a relief is (you may use the glossary). Next, address the composition of forms on the vase; what is seen in each of the registers? What does this object reveal about ancient Sumerian beliefs and ritual?

2. Compare and contrast the Sumerian Statuettes of two worshippers (Figure 2-5) to the Neo-Sumerian sculpture Gudea (Figure 2-17). First address what the statues share in common (in terms of forms, content, and function) and then address their differences. Next, articulate how these sculptures communicate different ideas through their forms.

3. Compare and contrast the Akkadian Victory stele of Naram-Sin (Figure 2-13) to the Babylonian Stele with the laws of Hammurabi (Figure 2-18). First explain what a stele is. Next, compare and contrast the imagery found on the stelae. What does each reveal about the king depicted?

4. What is a Lamassu (be sure your response includes a description)?Where are they found and what function did they serve?

5. Address the layout and function of Persepolis (Figure 2-25); who was it made for? What was the complex made from? How do the architectural ruins here differ from those of the ziggaurats? What function did the apadanaserve? Describe the columns found in the apadana (Figure 2-26) and the detail of the processional frieze from the east side of the terrace of the apadana (Figure 2-27). [For additional information about Persepolis please consult the following link.]

Week 4 (Chapter 3) Homework

Due: Sep 23, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following six prompts after reading Chapter 3 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 3 PowerPoint. Please base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. Do your best to compose your responses in your own words. If you paraphrase/quote from the textbook, include proper citations: (Kleiner, page # or section title). Each response should be roughly a paragraph or two. You can single or double-space your responses.

1. Why do many Egyptologists believe that the Palette of King Narmer(Figures 3-2 and 3-3) documented the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt? (Analyze the imagery found on the palette as evidence).

2. Why were the funerary arts and architecture so important in Ancient Egypt? Compare and contrast the Stepped Pyramid of Djoser(Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6) and Fourth Dynasty Pyramids at Gizeh(Figures 3-8 and 3-10). Interpret the materials used, shapes seen, and the sizes of the structures.

3. What are the defining characteristics of the pylon temple plan and its layout as seen in theTemple of Amen-Re at Karnak (Figures 3-24, 3-25, 3-26)? Be sure to define pylon, hypostyle hall, and clerestory in your response.

4. What conventions were established for depicting Kings (Pharaohs) in Ancient Egypt? How are these seen in the sculptures Khafre Enthroned (Figure 3-12) and Hatshepsut with Offering Jars (3-21)? How do these sculptures differ from Akhenaton(Figure 3-30)?

5. Describe and analyze the forms and content of Judgment of Hunefer (Figure 3-1). What does this painted papyrus scroll reveal about Ancient Egyptian beliefs?

6. Tutankhamen died at the age of 18 and is a relatively minor figure in Egyptian history. Why is the “boy-king” and the discovery of his tomb so famous? Describe and analyze either Innermost Coffin of Tutankhamen (Figure 3-34) or Death mask of Tutankhamen (Figure 3-35) in your response.

Week 5 (Chapter 4) Homework

Due: Sep 30, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following six prompts after reading Chapter 4 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 4 PowerPoint. Please base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. Do your best to phrase your responses in your own words. If you quote from the textbook, include quotation marks and (Kleiner, page # or section title) at the end of the sentence/paragraph. Each response should be roughly a paragraph or two. You can single or double-space your responses.

1. Why was the art market flooded with Cycladic sculptures in the early 20th century? What about the works’ forms appealed to modern artists and collectors of modern art? Select either Figurine of a Woman (Figure 4-2) or Male Harp Player (Figure 4-3) to discuss in your response. For additional information about Cycladic sculptures, please watch the followingvideo.

2. Briefly address the significance and layout of the Palace at Knossos(Figures 4-4, 4-5, 4-6). Describe and analyze the Snake Goddessfound in the Palace of Knossos (4-13). Be sure to interpret what she is made of (describe the medium in your own words), what she is holding, what she is wearing, and what is seated on her head.

3. Why were Mycenaean palaces/administrative centers fortified? How does this differ from the Palace at Knossos? Discuss the Lion Gate (Figure 4-19) from Mycenae, address the stonework and decoration found on this gateway.

4. Compare and contrast the Minoan fresco Bull-leaping, from the palace, Knossos (Figure 4-8) to the Mycenaean Hunter capturing a bull drinking cup (Figure 4-24). Address the materials used and the imagery depicted. What do these works reveal about the relationship between man and animals?

5. Describe and analyze the imagery found on the Inlaid dagger with lion hunt(Figure 4-23). How do we see the influence of other civilizations on Mycenaean artists?

6. Why did Minoan pottery become so sophisticated? Describe and analyze the Marine style octopus jar (Figure 4-12). Painted pottery was also an important art form in Mycenae; address how this is seen in the Warrior Vase (Figure 4-27). What does the painting on each vessel reveal about the values and priorities of the civilization responsible for its production?

Week 6 (Chapter 5) Homework

Due: Oct 7, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following six prompts after reading Chapter 5 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 5 PowerPoint. You are only expected to base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. However, if you wish to conduct outside research please limit yourself to the optional research materials posted in the module,, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’sHeilbrunn Timeline of Art History.Do your best to paraphrase your sources and always include proper citations where necessary. You can single or double-space your responses.

1. Compare and contrast the following examples of large-scale Greek sculptures: Anavysos Kouros from the Archaic Period (Figure 5-9), Doryphorousfrom the High Classical Period (Figure 5-41), and Seated Boxer from the Hellenistic Period (Figure 5-86). How is each artwork characteristic of large-scale sculpture from the time period in which it was created? What changes over time?

2. Discuss the two approaches to Greek vase painting: black-figure painting and red-figure painting. Include an example of each style from this week’s PowerPoint in your response. Be sure to briefly address the subject matter of each vase painting, in addition to the technique and forms.

3. The Acropolis in Athens (Figures 5-43 through 5-56) contains the best-known examples of Ancient Greek architecture. Briefly discuss the plan of the Acropolis(mention the buildings located at the site) then describe the Parthenon in some detail (address the plan, order, and at least one decoration).

4. Describe and analyze the Aphrodite of Knidos (Figure 5-62). How does this representation of the female form from the Late Classical Period differ from that of the Archaic Period as seen in the Peplos Kore (Figure 5-10) and the Hellenistic Period as seen in the Venus de Milo (Figure 5-84)?

5. Describe the Corinthian Capital (Figure 5-73) and address how it differs from Doric and Ionic Capitals (Figure 5-13).

6. How can we characterize art and architecture of the Hellenistic Period? How is this seen in the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon (Figures 5-79 and 5-80)?

Week 9 (Chapter 7) Homework

Due: Oct 28, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following seven prompts after reading Chapter 7 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 7 PowerPoint. You are only expected to base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. However, if you wish to conduct outside research please limit yourself to the optional research materials posted in the module,, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Do your best to phrase your answers in your own words and always include proper citations where necessary. You can single or double-space your responses.

Roman Republic

1. Discuss verism as a characteristic feature of sculpture from the Roman Republic; identify relevant examples of artwork (from the PowerPoint) where this characteristic is seen.

Pompeii and the Cities of Vesuvius (This discussion bridges the Roman Republic and Empire.)

2. Why are the remains of Pompeii (and the Cities of Vesuvius) so valuable to the study of Roman art (especially painting) and architecture? Select a Roman wall painting from the PowerPoint to describe and analyze in your answer.

Early Empire

3. How does the Ara Pacis (Figures 7-29 through 7-31) record the establishment of peace credited to Augustus? What were the reliefs on this altar modeled after?

4. Discuss the influence of the Flavian dynasty on Roman art and architecture as seen in the Colosseum (Figures 7-36 and 7-37) orportrait busts (Figure 7-38 or 7-39). Be sure to address the innovative materials and/or sculpting techniques used.

High Empire

5. The Pantheon (Figures 7-49 through 7-51) is the best-known example of Roman architecture. Describe the form and function of this building.

6. Describe and analyze the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius (Figure 7-57). Compare this sculpture of a Roman emperor to the earlier sculpture of the emperor Augustus, Portrait of Augustus as General (Figure 7-27). What ideas are communicated about each emperor through the artworks’ forms?

Late Empire

7. How do art and architecture under Constantine mark a transition from the ancient to the medieval world? Include a discussion of a relevant artwork from the PowerPoint in your response.

Week 10 (Chapter 8) Homework

Due: Nov 4, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following five prompts after reading Chapter 8 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 8 PowerPoint. You are only expected to base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. However, if you wish to conduct outside research please limit yourself to the optional research materials posted in the module,, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Do your best to phrase your responses in your own words and always include proper citations where necessary. You can single or double-space your responses.

1. The synagogue paintings of Dura-Europos (Figures 8-2 and 8-3) are unique because figural scenes in Jewish art are rare; why is this? Briefly describe the layout of the synagogue and the content of the murals.

2. Discuss early Christian architecture and describe and analyze the significance of the two primary plans (longitudinal and central) – provide an example of each in your response.

3. Discuss how early representations of Christ are rooted in the classical (Greco-Roman) tradition as seen in Christ as the Good Shepherd (Figure 8-8) and Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus (Figure 8-1).

4. Discuss the Masoleum of Galla Placidia(Figures 8-21 through 8-23) with an emphasis on the layout and function of the building and the mosaics found in its interior (be sure to define mosaic in your response).

5. By the 6th century we see a stylistic shift in the way the spiritual world is depicted; please discuss this change through the analysis of an artwork included in this week’s PowerPoint (See “Problems and Solutions: Picturing the Spiritual World,” page 254/end of Chapter 8).

Week 11 (Chapter 9) Homework

Due: Nov 11, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following five prompts after reading Chapter 9 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 9 PowerPoint. You are only expected to base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. However, if you wish to conduct outside research please limit yourself to the optional research materials posted in the module,, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.Do your best to paraphrase your sources and always include proper citations where necessary. You can single or double-space your responses.

Early Byzantine (“Golden Age” of Byzantine Art)

1. Who was Justinian and how is he represented in Byzantine art? Please include analyses of Justinian as World Conqueror(Figure 9-4) and Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and Attendants(Figure 9-13) in your response.

2. Describe and analyze the characteristics of Byzantine church architecture as seen in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (Figures 9-5, 9-6, 9-7, 9-8) or San Vitale, Ravenna (Figures 9-1, 9-1a, 9-10, 9-11). [I highly recommend the videos for these churches. Please use the link found in the instructions.]

3. What is a Byzantine icon (address both the subject matter and formal properties of icons)? Include a discussion of the early icon Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George(Figure 9-19) in your response. What encouraged iconoclasm (the opposition to icons)?

Middle and Late Byzantine

4. What event marked the beginning of the Middle Byzantine period? Describe church decoration from this period: what subjects frequently appeared and where were they placed? Please identify a specific example of a church and the related decoration in your discussion.

5. Analyze the Middle Byzantine icon Virgin (Theotokos) and Child, (Vladimir Virgin) (Figure 9-32) and the Late Byzantine icon Christ as Savior of Souls(Figure 9-34). How did the artists of these works use form (color, line, texture, and proportion) to show the heavenly, divine quality of the subjects? How do Late Byzantine icons differ from Middle Byzantine icons, as seen here?

Week 12 Homework (Chapter 10)

Due: Nov 18, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following five prompts after reading Chapter 10 in the textbook and looking through the Chapter 10 PowerPoint. You are only expected to base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. However, if you wish to conduct outside research please limit yourself to the optional research materials posted in the module,, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.Do your best to phrase your responses in your own words and always include proper citations where necessary. You can single or double-space your responses.

1. Discuss either the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Figures 10-2, 10-3, 10-4) or the Mosque of Selim II in Edirne (Figures 10-26, 10-27). What is the significance of the building’s location? Identify the Classical/Byzantine influences seen in the plan and decoration of the structure and note the architectural and decorative elements that are unique to Islamic architecture.

2. Address the different approaches to Islamic tilework as seen in the form and content of the Mosaics in the Courtyard Arcade of the Great Mosque, Damascus (Figure 10-6) and the Mihrab, from the Madrasra Imami, Isfahan (Figure 10-28).

3. Córdoba’s Mezquita (Great Mosque) marked the triumph of Islam in Spain, and after multiple iterations, went on to become one of the largest mosques in the Islamic West. At the center of this magnificent mosque is the hypostyle prayer hall. Describe the features of the Great Hypostyle Hall (Figure 10-11).

4. Compare and contrast the Mausoleum of the Samanids in Bukhara (Figure 10-10) and the Madrasa-mausoleum complex of Sultan Hasan (Figure 10-25). How does each structure reflect the time period in which it was created? How did the Madrasa-mausoleum differ in style from the contemporaneous Alhambra in Granada (Figures 10-22 and 10-23)?

5. Luxury arts found in Islamic mosques and palaces “reflect a love of sumptuous materials and rich decorative patterns” (Kleiner, 295). Select an example of a luxury art object from this week’s PowerPoint (i.e. a pyxis, ewer, dish, carpet) and analyze how its forms serve its function.

Week 14 and Week 15 Homework (Chapters 12 & 13)

Due: Dec 9, 2018 at 11:59 PM

Instructions: Please respond to the following eight prompts after reading Chapters 12 & 13 in the textbook and looking through the Chapters 12 & 13 PowerPoint. You are only expected to base your responses on information found in the assigned reading and on the images included in this week’s PowerPoint. However, if you wish to conduct outside research please limit yourself to the optional research materials posted in the module,, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.Do your best to paraphrase your sources and always include proper citations where necessary. You can single or double-space your responses.

Romanesque (Chapter 12; 20 points possible)

1. Describe the impact pilgrimage routes had on Romanesque art and architecture. Include a discussion of a “pilgrimage type” church anda reliquary from this week’s PowerPoint.

2. Why is Romanesque architectural sculpture most commonly found on church portals? Describe and analyze oneof the following three tympanum reliefs: Second Coming of Christ found at Saint-Pierre, Moissac (Figures 12-1 and 12-13), Gislebertus’ Last Judgment from Saint-Lazare, Autun (Figure 12-15), and/or Pentecost and Mission of the Apostles, La Madeleine, Vézealy (Figure 12-16).

3. Although costly, what were the advantages of using stone vaults versus timber roofs in the Romanesque period? What advantages did architects of the Holy Roman Empire gain by using a series of groin vaults to cover the naves of churches? (Include a brief discussion of Speyer Cathedral in your response.)

4. In which artistic center did mural painting flourish, and to what extent does the subject matter of Christ in Majesty(Figure 12-20) reflect contemporary Romanesque portals elsewhere? Stylistically, is the work Roman-like?

Gothic Europe (Chapter 13; 20 points possible)

1. Address the features of Chartres Cathedral (Figures 13-4 through 13-6; 13-12 through 13-19) that distinguish it as High Gothic architecture. Be sure your discussion describes the flying buttresses and their significance for the development of Gothic architecture. Include a discussion of Saint Theodorefrom the cathedral (Figure 13-19) as an example of High Gothic sculpture (and note how it differs from Early Gothic sculpture).

2. Abbott Suger believed in the symbolic value of colored light. How is the Gothic use of light similar and different from the use of light in Byzantine art (think back to the mosaics)?

3. Describe the stylistic differences between French and English Gothic churches (provide specific examples of churches in your response).

4. Describe and analyze the Röttgen Pietà (Figure 13-50). How does this depiction of the Virgin Mary differ from earlier examples; please describe at least one specific example of an artwork (from this chapter or others) in your response.