Architecture Graduate Programs- contact letter letter


Outline of contact letter to Faculty at prospective Graduate Schools:

Study the faculty teaching and research of each of the Architecture Graduate Programs IN ARCHITECTURE that you are interested in. Select 2 faculty member or professors per school bellow. And write their names and email address.




Prep: Do your homework – after selecting the faculty you are going to contact, get to know their research interest and work better – the more detailed and specific you can be in your letter, the better. You want to draft a general letter but you need to have a part that can be heavily customized for each professor.

  1. Email Subject – must be non-generic, needs to be specific to their research or teaching
  2. Greeting must be non-generic, include the faculty’s name: Dear Professor Jones, or Dear Dr. Jones, (if faculty is a PhD),
  3. Who you are: current senior, applying to the specific school, include the full name of the school and program of interest. Mention any special achievement that you have: Dean’s List, Scholarship recipient, Honors Student, etc. (1 sentence, Paragraph 1)
  4. Why them: go directly into their research. Talk about what you particularly find interesting (‘sustainability’ is too general), it will have to be something very specific to what they do – affordable housing, ecocities, etc. Read an article about them or a paper that they wrote in order to get relevant information. Tell them what you’re hoping to learn – short term and long term. (2 sentences, Paragraph 1)
  5. What do you want: do not ask for general information. Tell them that the ability to work with people on the subject that interests you is the most important thing in deciding on Graduate School. Ask if they would be available as mentors, researchers or teaching faculty if you get accepted and choose to attend that school. Ask what the current status of their research is and if there are opportunities for your potential involvement, either in their research or teaching. (2-3 sentences, Paragraph 2)
  6. Seek advice: ask if they have any recommendations on what things will make you a stronger candidate for their particular school and program – particular items in your portfolio or personal letter. (1-2 sentences, Paragraph 3)
  7. Thank them for their time, hope to hear from them soon and mention you hope to visit soon and introduce yourself in person. Give you full name and contact info at the end.
  8. Example:

    Dear Professor Jones, My name is Your Name and I am currently a senior at Morgan State University School of Architecture and Planning. I will be graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science and Environmental Design degree in May 2014 and I have chosen Urban Design as the next step in my Graduate education. I was very happy to find out that University of Virginia has an impressive graduate program in Urban and Environmental Planning that I am interested in applying to. I am proud to have had a very successful college career so far – I have been acknowledged at the top of my junior design studio and I have maintained honor grades not only in my required major classes but through the rest of my undergraduate education. My main reason for wanting to attend graduate school for Urban and Environmental Planning is to help struggling cities in their process of revitalization into thriving cities for today and in the future. Addressing the challenges and the devastation of a city will not only contribute to the solution of the problem but also strengthen the city to handle future problems that may come about. In attending University of Virginia I am hoping to learn how to be a successful, effective, and creative urban and environmental planner. The ability to work with faculty and peers with the same interests is my most important consideration in choosing Virginia University as a graduate s
    chool to attend. I would like to connect with you and seek advice on what it will take for me to strengthen my application to University of Virginia Graduate program for Urban and Environmental Planning with regards to any particular elements to focus on in my portfolio and personal statement. Also, I would like to know what the current status of your research work is and if there are any opportunities for my potential involvement in your research or teaching. I would greatly appreciate your mentorship in this process – I believe it would make me a stronger candidate and put a solid foundation to my future Graduate studies. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Your Name & Contact
    in another sheet of paper do the other part of the assignment in a WORD dox

    1. Research. Study the faculty teaching and research of each of the Graduate Programs that you are interested in. Select 2 per school that you are interested in connecting to. Organize your list by University and include summary information for each including: contact, course taught, research focus, accomplishments, and your interest with respect to their work.
    2. Communicate. Prepare a concise and clear letter that expresses your interests in their research or teaching work. Start with a basic introduction of yourself and your academic and professional goals. Explain why you are interested in their work and ask for their help in understanding how their research and teaching engage students and if there are any teaching or research assistantships available. Inquire about their opinion in what would make you a stronger candidate for admission to their program.
    3. Connect. Contact the faculty with the letter to begin communication. Follow up on their responses. don’t sent the emails ill do that from my email. but don’t forget to write their name and email address.

    So what i want from you is the 6 letters. it could be the same letter but you must change their names and the information of the univeristy and the professor.And one paper which is the other part of the assignment a summery of each professor.