Application: Resource Synthesis and Integration


The week 5 assignment is a literature review of 4 peer-reviewed resources. This is an integrated literature review, not an evaluation of resources. Be sure to look over the week’s resources and look at the Writing Center If you scroll down this site on the left, you will find guides for writing an integrated synthesis of resources.

Application: Resource Synthesis and Integration

Note: Please complete the Application Assignment prior to the Discussion question this week.

Synthesis and integration involve succinctly summarizing the main points of the chosen resources and combining the summaries into a coherent narrative. Synthesis and integration require skills that improve with experience.

To prepare:

  • Review the Torraco article from Week 5, focusing specifically on synthesizing and integrating the literature review.
  • Of the 10-12 collected resources, choose the 4 peer-reviewed journal articles that most closely address the problem chosen for your Capstone Project.

The assignment:

In 2-4 pages, respond to the following:

  1. Cite the four resources you have chosen to synthesize and integrate into a narrative. (You may copy and paste the citations from the list of resources you submitted last week.)
  2. Synthesize and integrate the four resources into a coherent narrative that:
  • Begins with an introduction
  • Includes an integrated synthesis of the resources
  • Relates the narrative to your problem statement
    • Chapter 6, “Are There Any Fallacies in the Reasoning?”

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

Learning Resources


Course Text: Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S. M. (2018). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Web Sites