Answer the following three questions.


1. You are a Roman Catholic Church lawyer whose home is Paris. You speak French, Latin, and a little Greek. As a young man, you decide to travel abroad.

Uncannily, you begin and end your travels in the same year that Ibn Battuta did (1325 and 1354), and you travel to many if not all of the same places that he did. You are traveling, however, as a Western European Christian, not a Muslim legal scholar who speaks Arabic and Persian. Write a first-person account of your twenty-nine years of travel, telling about your itinerary, your adventures, your problems, and your crises. Be concrete and specific about geography, places, kingdoms, ethnic peoples, and so on. (Use your textbook only, 40 points) (You can apply for the 30 days free trial)

2. Write a detail essay explaining the following;

a. The role Chinggis Khan played in the expansion of the Mongol empire.

b. The role that the Mongols played with regards to Eurasian trade and cultural integration.

c. The ways (political, cultural, and economic) that the Mongol Ilkhanate influenced Persia.

(Use your class notes, PowerPoint, and the textbook, no outside sources!

30 points)

3. The Abbasid Revolution was not just the transformation of one dynasty by another. It also marked the beginning of a new age of creativity that is known as the Age of Flowering (Golden Age.)

Explain first, what factors or elements contributed to this Age and secondly, give concrete examples of the contributions of individual intellectuals in the fields of science, philosophy, and humanities. (Use only your textbook, class notes and the documentary films, 30 points)