Answer Research paper questions after reading provided materials?


Assignment 1.1 Types of Knowing-

We live in an information dominated society. Every day, like it or not, we are bombarded with facts, figures, news, and opinions; we are connected to countless information sources about are local community, our society, and our world. Given all the ways of knowing that is available to us, and given our growing ability to get exactly the information that we want through our personal computers, cell phones, and other ever evolving communication technologies, as a student in this course you might wonder why you need to learn about the methodological and labor-intensive procedures of research methods. “Can’t I get all the information you need from the radio, TV, neswpapers and magazines or surfing online?” But how are you to know which information is the” right” information. How are you to decide what information to trust? To answer these questions, you need to give some thought to the various sources of knowledge that drive are information society. You need also to consider if some sources of knowledge are more worthy of your trust than others.

Reference: Essentials of Research Methods-A Guide to Social Science Research_Janet M. Ruane_2005

Assignment 1.1: Types of Knowing

1. What are the different ways of “knowing” as identified by Neuman & Robson (2012)? And, how does the scientific method of knowing differ from other types of knowing?

Assignment 1.2: Understanding of Critical Thinking

Identify a social issue, a theory or a practice model of interest (choose ONE only). Apply one of the four critical thinking tools in Bermudez(2015) (e. g. problem posing, reflexive skepticism, multi-perspectivity and systemic thinking) to critically think about the selected issue, theory or practice model. Post a thread to share key critical questions and insights into the selected issue, theory or practice model.