answer questions
Your assignment: After reading the notes, reminders, and examples editing/revision checklists above, make a revision checklist for your own personal writing.
For this assignment, you will need to look back at all your writing from this class to see what you’ve been working on and what comments I’ve made for you. Look at your final drafts and revisions; check the notes and highlights I’ve made on your essay pages, as well as the final comments I submit to you on Canvas. Find out what your main writing strengths and goals are. Look specifically for the repeated errors that you make frequently, especially the ones we’ve studied in this class. Then, follow the format below to write your very own personalized revision checklist that you will need to use to edit/revise your research essay this week.
You will need to write a specific goal or writing/grammar rule that you would like to remember for revising your essay. Use your class notes, or the OWL Purdue website to look up rules that you need to study in order to improve your own writing!
My top 3 strengths: (to make sure I continue to do well with these goals!)
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
My global concerns with content or organization (write a specific rule or goal that you are working on for at least 3 of the following areas):
Thesis Statement goal: __________________________________________________
Evidence/Support goal: __________________________________________________
Quotation Intro/Explanation goal: __________________________________________
Introduction/Conclusion goal: _____________________________________________
Paragraph/Structure goal: ________________________________________________
Organization/Transitions goal: _____________________________________________
My secondary concerns with grammar and editing (write a specific rule that you are working on for at least 5 of the following areas):
Rules for Avoiding Fragments: _____________________________________________
Rules for Avoiding Run-ons: ______________________________________________
Rules for Avoiding Tense Shifts: ___________________________________________
Rules for Avoiding Clutter: ________________________________________________
Rules for Coordinating Conjunctions (For, And, Nor, Yet, So, But, Or): ______________
Rules for Subordinating Conjunctions (Because, When, Since, If, Even though, Unless): ______________________________________________________________________
Rules for Using Articles (a, an, the): ___________________________________________
Rules for Commas: ______________________________________________________
Rules for Quotation marks: ________________________________________________
Rules for Semi-colons: ___________________________________________________
Rules for Capitalization: __________________________________________________
Rules for Subject/Verb Agreement: __________________________________________
Rules for Titles: _________________________________________________________
Rules for Plural Nouns vs. Non-count Nouns: __________________________________
Other Grammar Rules: ___________________________________________________
Other Grammar Rules: ___________________________________________________
My Other Writing Goals (write a specific rule or goal that you are working on for at least 2 of the following areas):
Avoid Plagiarizing: ______________________________________________________
Works Cited Page: ______________________________________________________
Citation Verbs/In-Text Citations: ____________________________________________
MLA Format: __________________________________________________________
Count them up: You should have written at least 3 strengths that you have in your writing and 10 rules/goals that you will challenge yourself to get right as you edit/revise your research essay.