Answer each of the questions below writing about 5-8 pages in total (double spaced, 12 font)


Answer each of the questions below writing about 5-8 pages in total (double-spaced, 12pt font). Be as complete and concise as possible. In each of the three responses, simply answer the exact question (or questions) asked.

  1. On the metaphysics of Republic V-VII, what sort of entities are Forms? What is for something to participate in a Form? [30 points]
  2. Who, according to Socrates in Republic V-VII, is a philosopher? What kind of philosophers are supposed to rule the Kallipolis? And why does Socrates think that a truly just city, like the Kallipolis, would require the governance of philosophers? [40 points]
  3. What, according to Socrates in Republic IX, is pleasure? Why does Socrates think that the most valuable—and most truly pleasurable— pleasures a human can experience are intellectual pleasures (i.e. plea- sures of the soul’s rational element)?